HCG--- Should I or shouldnt I?



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I am thinking about doing the HCG diet drops. Has anyone used this? Let me know how you like it and how much weight you lost and was it hard to stick to the 500 calorie a day.
    Best to check in with your GP, I did simply because I saw it on the boards every single day (not something I ever entertained doing myself though), so I inquired on her thoughts of the whole thing. her exact words? "DON'T YOU DARE!!" "That is the unhealthiest thing ever for ones body!" I knew I had an excellent doctor and I believe that to be even more so now!:heart:

    You'll want to be the one in the end to make your final decision as you'll be the one left with the consequences. Nothing wrong with trying what the majority of successful MFP members already have and are doing now, change up to heatlhy eating and working out, you'll see results that will last a lifetime. PLUS you'll learn healthy habits along the way and by the end of your weight loss you'll look back and be responding to posts excactly like this one. You'll be suggesting the same thing, do it the healthy way, so you can stick to it and so the weight stays off!

    Trust those of us that have lost, and kept it off, ask the MFP veterans, not the fad dieters. Fad diets come along every single day, there'll be another one coming along tomorrow.

    If you're truly in this for lasting weight loss and health, you'll know what the right decision is.:wink:

    Good luck:heart:
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    I had a friend that did it, she was a total freak show the first few weeks (and can I just say NOT fun to be around?). She did lose a lot but was more than miserable. Now that she's coming off it she's having a heck of a time adjusting back to a "normal" diet and is slowly but surely putting back on the weight...

    It's taken me 2 years to lose almost 30 pounds (I get distracted easily and fall off the "healthy" wagon a lot lol) and I still have about 10-15 to go. I will take my way any day. I am slowly but steadily learning to eat healthier, move more, and just over all make better choices. It's not a race for me. Just one step, inch, pound, better choice at a time.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Yeah, it's a fad, alright. The HCG protocol has only been around for about FIFTY YEARS. The fact that it wasn't publicized in the US until more recently is why it might be new to some.

    As for doctors: My GP was quite comfortable with my doing it to get past my plateau, and another person who is active on MFP was put on HCG by her endocrinologist to straighten out thyroid and other issues.

    There will always be more than one opinion amongst medical professionals about most anything. To prove my point, ask three doctors about the value of using vitamin D to enhance the immune system. It is likely you will get three different answers.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Oh - something I forgot: I did not get any injections or body lifts to fix the sagging skin and icky dimples. I did this by exercising and losing slowly and carefully, giving my body time to "snap" back and ensuring all my nutrition (vitamins and minerals) were not suffering. Anytime my body gets into a deficit (whether iron, protein, fruits, veggies, etc.) I feel it and know what I'm missing and know that I need to add it into my diet.
    I know I can't change what someone wants to do, we all have to go through our own personal life choices, so this is just my 2 or 3 cents worth. I don't want to see any other women suffer through the weight issues, so if I can be of positive assistance, I will be.

    Well, for some of us that know how to eat healthy and with unwanted health problems (such as Thyroid issues, PCOS, Pituitary issues, etc), the weight won't come off any other way.

    I can tell you that before doing the HCG protocol, I hadn't had a monthly TOM since March 2009. Within days of starting the HCG protocol, I got a TOM.

    My doctor suggested this, I was against it at first and now wish I had tried it long ago.
  • txshan
    txshan Posts: 6
    You are wrong! I dod hr Hhcg drops and I have lost 25 lbs in 28 days and I went to the doctor today and I had test done to see if my body was reacting good. I passed with flying colors and my doctor said it is healthy and encourages the use of HCg.
  • txshan
    txshan Posts: 6
    I am thinking about doing the HCG diet drops. Has anyone used this? Let me know how you like it and how much weight you lost and was it hard to stick to the 500 calorie a day.
    Best to check in with your GP, I did simply because I saw it on the boards every single day (not something I ever entertained doing myself though), so I inquired on her thoughts of the whole thing. her exact words? "DON'T YOU DARE!!" "That is the unhealthiest thing ever for ones body!" I knew I had an excellent doctor and I believe that to be even more so now!:heart:

    You'll want to be the one in the end to make your final decision as you'll be the one left with the consequences. Nothing wrong with trying what the majority of successful MFP members already have and are doing now, change up to heatlhy eating and working out, you'll see results that will last a lifetime. PLUS you'll learn healthy habits along the way and by the end of your weight loss you'll look back and be responding to posts excactly like this one. You'll be suggesting the same thing, do it the healthy way, so you can stick to it and so the weight stays off!

    Trust those of us that have lost, and kept it off, ask the MFP veterans, not the fad dieters. Fad diets come along every single day, there'll be another one coming along tomorrow.

    If you're truly in this for lasting weight loss and health, you'll know what the right decision is.:wink:

    Good luck:heart:

    You are full of it!
  • txshan
    txshan Posts: 6
    I am thinking about doing the HCG diet drops. Has anyone used this? Let me know how you like it and how much weight you lost and was it hard to stick to the 500 calorie a day.

    Hi!! I started hhcg drops I weighed 249 and I have lost 24.2 lbs in 28 days and 16 inches! I love it!
  • fivefatcats
    I understand why persons with different religious views have confrontation - their beliefs are in conflict.

    But since just about everybody on this site is after the same thing (health and fitness), why is there so much conflict over the method of attaining it?

    But there is.

    Everybody has an OPINION. Isn't that nice how that works?!?

    It isn't really fair to tell anyone they are doing something wrong without knowing more about it, is it?

    I couldn't be happier with my progress, and no amount of negativism can make me feel like my achievements are anything less than the wonderful things they are.
  • txshan
    txshan Posts: 6
    I've also not done this HCG thing, but it really doesn't sound sustainable. You might lose weight really quickly, but how do you maintain a 500 calorie a day diet? And what happens after your 30 days or however long is over? Honestly, it doesn't sound very safe to me to be injecting myself with hormones and starving my body.

    There are 4 phases....th 500 calorie phase can be 21-42 days, during this time you are taking your HCG the reason why you can do this diet and not get hungry is the hcg adds 1500-4000 calories so your body doesnt go into starvation mode. also the 500 calories is very healthy and clean eating no sugar of starches at all! The next phase you stop taking the hcg and you gradually add calories back in up to 1500, you still don eat sugars or starches but everything else is allowed this is maintenance and you need to stay within a 2 lb gain or loss, this is where yo set the hypothalmos gland and metabolism. And you do this phase for 21 days and you workout. The hcg attacks the fat and burns it for energy 24-7 and this is healthy..........I have never felt better. I have been on HCG for 28 days and I have lost 24.2 lbs. My doctor endorses this choice and NO he doesnt sell it.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I've also not done this HCG thing, but it really doesn't sound sustainable. You might lose weight really quickly, but how do you maintain a 500 calorie a day diet? And what happens after your 30 days or however long is over? Honestly, it doesn't sound very safe to me to be injecting myself with hormones and starving my body.

    There are 4 phases....th 500 calorie phase can be 21-42 days, during this time you are taking your HCG the reason why you can do this diet and not get hungry is the hcg adds 1500-4000 calories so your body doesnt go into starvation mode. also the 500 calories is very healthy and clean eating no sugar of starches at all! The next phase you stop taking the hcg and you gradually add calories back in up to 1500, you still don eat sugars or starches but everything else is allowed this is maintenance and you need to stay within a 2 lb gain or loss, this is where yo set the hypothalmos gland and metabolism. And you do this phase for 21 days and you workout. The hcg attacks the fat and burns it for energy 24-7 and this is healthy..........I have never felt better. I have been on HCG for 28 days and I have lost 24.2 lbs. My doctor endorses this choice and NO he doesnt sell it.
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you so much for all of your input guys. I didn't mean to start a battle over it though. I have a doctor appointment on friday, I will ask her about it and what she thinks I should do. Maybe she will send me to a nutritionist first to see if I am eating the way I should. I don't know. I am open minded to the HCG, and I have read some not so good things about it, but I have also read some really great testimonials about it. So, my decision is to wait and talk to my doctor and possibly wait it out a little longer and see what happens to my body in the meantime.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I don't know anything about the details of this diet, but I can tell you homeopathy is nothing other than a placebo. Homeopathic 'medicines' are pure water. If you want to spend lots of money for someone to sell you water and tell you it'll cause chemical changes in your body, then I've got a business proposition for you.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I don't know anything about the details of this diet, but I can tell you homeopathy is nothing other than a placebo. Homeopathic 'medicines' are pure water. If you want to spend lots of money for someone to sell you water and tell you it'll cause chemical changes in your body, then I've got a business proposition for you.

    What credentials do you possess to back up your statement? Your entitled to any opinion you choose to have, but don't try and present your opinoin as "facts."

    If the homeopathic potassium I am using is "pure water," then I better call the newspapers and report a miracle,:noway: because the blood test I just took shows my potassium level is back to where it should be!!:drinker: :drinker:

  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm not going to getting into a pissing match here. I'm just going to post and let my results in my signature speak for themselves.
  • saramomof2
    saramomof2 Posts: 4 Member
    I have done the HCG diet. I took the injectable form and saw results right away. My mom and friend did the drops, what you need to realize on the drops is that you will be slightly more hungry than doing the shots. So you may need to increase the amount of drops you use for the first couple of days until your body has adjusted to the low calorie. I lost 31 lbs on this diet 2 years ago. I have maintained that weight loss now by running and eating normal (1200-1500) diet. You really don't feel hungry on this diet and it is easy! Side note: if you cheat, you will pay for it in a very smelly way! :smile: