I cried at bootcamp today

I started bootcamp with a bunch of 40 year old moms 6 weeks ago, when I was laid off. They have all been doing it for a year, so I try not to compare myself, but I absolutely am so out of shape and am embarrassed that I cried today. I know how to modify the workout to my level and I am ok with that, but during the first 5 minutes I want to run out the door because I am out of breath and the lactic acid is burning my thighs already! My friend drives me, so I am thankfully stuck. I think I eat well enough, sleep enough, drink enough etc. Will it ever get easier? Sometimes I feel like I am just not ever going to be THAT person who finally can make it through without having to stop. I have always been a little chubby, so I NEED cardio, and I NEED someone to drag me because I come up with a million excuses. Is there anyone out there who one day said 'Hey, this isn't so bad after all?' How do I stay motivated? I want it to be a way of life for me.


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Do what you can. Don't quit!!!!!! You didn't get fat overnight, you wont get fit overnight. You will get a little more fit EVERYNIGHT. Did I say DONT QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    One of the instructors at the gym where I work out at said once "you can do anything for 30 seconds" - that motivated me - she is hard core - I am only able to take her class on Saturdays and an occasional work day ... but I try to apply it whenever I get worn out... I was away from the gym for two months... and getting back into the swing of things has been a bit difficult... i struggle during the classes... but I know that whatever exercise we are doing will only last for a few seconds and then we will move on....
    You can do this!!! Today you cried - Tomorrow or your next class your goal should be " I will not cry"... then the next day - you will make it thru one whole section without slowing down... then the next... baby steps - you have already decided to make a change... you can do this!!!! Dont give up!
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Push thru it. The next time you cry it will be tears of Joy because you made it thru the class!!! Don't give up, I'm sure those other ladies have walked in your shoes.
  • oklagirl
    oklagirl Posts: 24 Member
    Just hang in there. As you continue to go it will get easier. I go to Zumba classes on a regular basis and when I first started there were several younger girls there who looked to be in shape already and knew the choreography pretty well. I felt really intimadated at first and had alot of self doubt but I continued to go because I kept teling myself everyone has to start some where. eventually I built up my endourance and learned the dances and now I feel great and it's the best thing I've done for myself in a long time. Just stick it out cause you can always quit if you don't like it but if you don't try how will you truely ever know? I hope this helps!!
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    I agree. Don't quit! I work out on a regular basis and bootcamp kicks my *kitten* everytime! I can't keep up with everybody but I do what I can. Maybe convey your feelings to the instructor. They can work with you and help make modifications that work for you and your level.

    I look up to anybody that wants to workout and change their lifestyle. You can do it.. One minute at a time. :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Well if you're THAT committed to doing it this way, then yeah, don't give up. Me personally I would never sign up for something like that until I had a bunch of other kinds of workouts under my belt. And not with friends unless I already knew I could do it. I don't like humiliation, or crying at all especially in front of others and everyone's different. If you're journey for some reason must include this kind of baring your soul, then just don't stop. Or if it's not so ego crushing and spirit crushing and demotivating as it would be to me. Then just keep at it. Otherwise just find other workouts to do that you can do on your own and at your own pace. Tell the teacher (who I assume saw you cry) that it's just too much for you right now, and see if she refunds your money. Send an email that way if she says no, you're not all suited up for the class and have to do another torture session. And also if she says no, cut your losses, it's only money and not worth your sanity or goals. Find things that you are good at and can improve upon over time because building on those successes will be motivating in a way I"m not sure watching all your other friends always get better whenever you reach them ever will.
  • NotMika
    NotMika Posts: 21 Member
    First of all, congratulations om challenging yourself physically and taking a chance by going to an exercise class - they are not easy. I've been exercising since I was 14 and still find those classes really hard. No matter how fit I am, I always seem to be the only one who is gasping for her water 5 minutes into the class. One thing I've learned about myself though - and which may be the case for you - is that I'm a slow starter. I may be dying at the five minute mark, but at the 45 minute mark, I'm still good to go while all those hot mums in their $80 lululemons are about to collapse. So that's my piece of motivational advice to you - everyone hurts at some point, not just you. Yes, maybe they are a fitter than you are now, but everyone has their weaknesses and you are not the first person to cry during a workout. I know cried during my first 5k, and after I bombed that, I was so mad at myself I immediately signed up for a second 5k. where I did really well. I guess my point is, if you're truly pushing yourself physically, at some point, you will fail... or at least feel like you've failed, but if you care about your health you have to keep going. If you really want to improve quickly, Go running on days when you don't have bootcamp, or maybe biking to strengthen those legs so you don't have acid build up. In bootcamp, take a swig of water if you're dying, but make a promise to yourself that you'll come back from the rest and go harder and stronger. I don't think working out is "so bad" anymore, but if working out every becomes "easy", you're not doing it right.
  • helenpatton7
    Dont give up you have made the biggest step by starting boot camp. Well done and if you keep it up it WILL become easier. Its great you have good friends to keep you motivated. Keep up the fantastic work :wink:
  • Say_Tia
    Say_Tia Posts: 20 Member
    I want to say that I am absolutely proud of you!! Cry as much as you need to as long as you keep going.
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    No one just starts in shape. Even the most incredible boot campers were beginners once. Keep it up and you will succeed.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
  • michellechawner
    MY yoga teacher put it great one day in a way I could understand -

    "You can hold the pose for 10 minutes, or 10 seconds. Either way you're still doing something."

    I could not stay in sleeping swan for more than 20 seconds. Now I can hold it the full 3 minutes and I don't need all my props to hold me up anymore. I started a year ago. About 5 months in I could finally hold it and not be so uncomfortable.

    It does get better.
  • sammysnino
    I've been doing a boot camp style workout for almost 3 months now. I'm heavy and was really out of shape. I couldn't do more than one set of 20 jumping jacks. Last Thursday, I did 100. It won't ever be easy, like someone else said, but you will see your skill level increase. Don't give up!!!!
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I could have written this myself! I was super embarrassed because I cried at a fitness class......just felt SO out of shape and out of place and out of my league.
    I haven't been back to that class yet.....because it really WAS out of my league - - but the good thing is you MADE IT thru the class! And i'll bet you were the one putting the MOST energy into getting thru that class - - - so big congrats to you!

    I would just keep having someone go with you and drive you to the class...or some other class - - since you know yourself and you know you have a history of making excuses.

    good work! keep it up!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I did too on my first day, but I was only 17 and missed my family.
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    Dont give up you have made the biggest step by starting boot camp. Well done and if you keep it up it WILL become easier. Its great you have good friends to keep you motivated. Keep up the fantastic work :wink:
    I couldn't agree more. The hardest part is showing up and starting and that is already behind you. You will do this! The only thing that can stop you is if you stop. Don't stop! When I see new folks struggling at the gym I remember how hard it was for me at the start and I admire them. I admire you.
  • hmjohnson25
    hmjohnson25 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm the biggest, slowest person in my bootcamp. The first few weeks, I could barely make it through class without feeling like I was gonna barf and I was so sore the next day. But, for me, it's all about momentum. I thought if I could stick with it for 6 weeks, show up at every class, modify the moves however I needed to just keep moving - if I could just get some momentum, I'd be OK. It is not easy some days, but I show up and do the work.

    It doesn't get easier, but YOU get stronger. And that makes a huge difference moving forward.

    Hang in there.
  • Dedeholtz
    Dedeholtz Posts: 5
    Well, I just spoke with my 'chauffer" (my friend who drags me to class) and she will be picking me up for class tomorrow am. This is my 9th class (MWF). My kids are out of school, and I actually have to take one iPod toting 7 year old with me. I will NOT cry in front of him (if I can help it....). Today I am focusing on eating well and drinking a lot of water, just to get ready.

    Thank you to everyone who motivated me today! I am glad I am not alone.
  • Dedeholtz
    Dedeholtz Posts: 5
  • MzTanya77
    MzTanya77 Posts: 79 Member
    The first time I took bootcamp at my gym, I literally passed out. I got so dizzy from the hard workout that I had a spell and had to sit down and my trainer had to help me get myself together. I was embarrassed as well, but I kept going back because I knew that was the only way to defeat this feeling. Keep going, it will get better, maybe not easier, but as you get into better shape, you will be able to handle the workout. It's just pushing you to another level. Keep pressing!