early warning signs panic

I should have seen it coming, I am not my own best friend, I knew but ignored the signs and now I am at a point where I can ignore the signs and die earlier than i really want to or do something about it. People told me in my 20s and 30s to do something because it would be easier then but I let myself make excuses and I kept on eating all the wrong things and too much of the right things and not enough water and way too little exercise. I perpetuated my self loathing and I ate to comfort myself. Here I am looking at the results of my blood tests; Cholesterol, high triglycerides, an inflamed liver, high blood sugar. My legs are swollen with excess fluid and I can barely climb a short flight of stairs. Where did the healthy teenager of so long ago disappear? Where was the turning point, the change? It was everywhere in silent insidious patterns and now here I am decades later wishing I had cared about myself back then. Wishing I had kept climbing mountains, trekking through the bush, clacking hockey sticks and throwing balls through nets and hoops, swimming in icy rivers and cycling the mountian trails but I stopped, just stopped.
The excuses come so easily, I am a young parent and haven't the time, I am working and too exhausted when i get home, I am volunteering and I haven't the time, my partner/husband/friend/relative wants me to do something so I haven't the time...now I am out of time to make any more excuses.
I can't do this alone, I know how easy it is to slip into excuse mode. I need to do this, I want to do this, but I cannot do it alone.


  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    There are lots of 50 somethings here who are in the same boat! Do a search of the 50's plus groups and you will find us,and lots of success stories, too. Good luck to you, MFP works. 42 lb later and still working on another 25 is my story, Slow and steady!!
  • crystalroselynn
    crystalroselynn Posts: 117 Member
    i cant say that im youre age but i can feel your pain about some health issues. ive been big my whole life and i feel as if im getting bigger. well not anymore!! i started this last week and i am so motivated. the first few days suck but then it gets way better. i feel so great and motivated! this place is an awesome support group! also, working out just makes you feel so happy and as if youve accomplished something!
    i know you will do well!
    anyone can do it!
    feel free to add me :)
  • MichelleMac58
    MichelleMac58 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey...I'm turning 55 this week and am finally getting my act together......what took me so long ???? why didn't I listen to my body 25 years ago??? I'm finally in tune with my body and paying attention to what it says I only hope it's not too late. I started in January writing everything done that I ate....It was an eye opener!! Then in Feb I did a cleanse to detoxify my system and 12 days later I slowly introduced foods back to my body and I learned that the bloating and cramps and upset tummy/diarrhea were all from dairy and wheat....I will say that I am more intolerable than allergic but I feel 100% better if I don't eat them so I basically switched to almond milk and am gluten free. I started losing weight (about 13 lbs) before joining mfp in March or April and then lost another 14 lbs. The support and encouragement is wonderful and it's okay to screw up and overeat but as long as you recognize it and take steps to improve you are on the right path.....we're not perfect and we are all in the same boat...no judgements just support.....add me to your list of friends and I hope I can count on you as well:smile: