Restarting, again. Need some support!

So over a year ago a very good friend of mine told me all about the fantasticness that is MFP. So I joined, did it for a few weeks and gave up. Then I tried again and gave up. Then I tried again and was doing really well, but sprained my ankle...and you guessed it, gave up.

Ankle is healed and I'm ready to not give up.

I'm 100+ lbs overweight, my parents, grandparents, most aunts and uncles all have one or more of the following: diabetes, heart disease, high bp, stroke, and kidney failure. I don't want that. I don't want to be on a million pills a day and completely give up the foods and drinks I love or die an early age!

I have been back, for about three weeks now. I'm up to 45 minutes, 3x a week of cardio (strength training is next!) and maintaining my calories. I haven't lost weight yet, but I haven't given up, I know it will happen. I am enjoying the social aspect of the site a little more, and hoping to get some people who will cheer me on and keep me focused.


  • I am also restarting! Lets be buddies!
  • RickyLuvsMary4ever
    RickyLuvsMary4ever Posts: 56 Member
    I am a re-starter success story, you can add me!

    I started with MFP and got frustrated with the logging so I stopped. Now I have the logging down pat!

    How to re start? Start putting yourself and your needs first!

    Feel free to add me anyone.
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    Welcome back! History is not important. You are here now with goals. I wish you well.
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    Welcome back! Who cares if you stopped at some point? The important thing is that you're here NOW, wanting change. I can't wait to see your progress!!
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    I am also restarting, you can add me and we can support each other.
  • I am also re-starting and started back into it last Monday the 17th. This is the start of my second week and so far so good. I'm determined to not stop this time around so I don't ever have to re-start again. Hoping to not let little life things get in the way and just make it a life style and something I just always do like sleeping. =)
  • dabster4
    dabster4 Posts: 2
    I am back to after stopping for 15 months and realized I need to get back to it. I wish you well and can relate to to restarting.
  • feel free to add me. :D
  • I'm a restarter. Add me.
  • MichelleP816
    MichelleP816 Posts: 26 Member
    I am the queen of giving up and then restarting!!!! . Feel free to add me. I too had about 100 pounds to lose and I am almost halfway. The most important thing is that you are trying!!!
  • hey im at the same place !! We should be buddies lol add me
  • Good job on the restart! I think it's harder to start something once you've given up on it once than it is to start it the first time, so kudos to you. I also get discouraged when it comes to weight loss - maybe we can encourage each other.
  • sugarfree123
    sugarfree123 Posts: 82 Member
    take pictures (even if you hide them)Take more pictures every month or so. and take measurements. Your weight may stay the same while your body changes, esp if you start lifting weights. My weight has stayed the same for 2 years but my measurements have changed esp in my waist and hips. The scale is an almost worthless tool to judge your progress. It will never measure your health. Skinny people can have diabetes, cancer and heart attacks also. Focus on eating healthy and your body will follow. Stop quitting and you will never have to start over. If you are not working on getting stronger, you are getting weaker. period. good luck.
  • Good luck on your journey!

    When I joined MFP in January, I needed to lose more than 100 pounds as well. As of today, I am 63 pounds lighter, but having a support system is so important. Add me if you like...we can help each other!
  • chabla66
    chabla66 Posts: 2
    Super.....I am restarting, too. Maybe if I connect with others it will make more of a difference. :smile:
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Hi! I've been in maintainance for about six months:blushing: I'm still here:flowerforyou: my dad passed away from complications to diabetes. This is not going to happen to me. Baby steps. Well get there. Friend me if you'd like:flowerforyou:
  • chabla66
    chabla66 Posts: 2
    That is incredible! Congratulations!!!:flowerforyou:
  • susanhiding
    susanhiding Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks everyone for the thoughts and support!

    I know that the scale isn't the best tool, but it is what I have right now. As I said I haven't given up, I haven't let it discourage me (much). I have a measuring tape somewhere, I blame cats for its disappearance! I will say that I have noticed that my work pants felt better on Friday and earlier today! :) And I will take those minor victories!

    I also know that diabetes can be genetic, and that I might end up with it anyway, but my mom who is a bit more food conscious (but not exercise) didn't get it until her early sixties. Where as my other family got it around their 40's. So if I can push it off for 3 or more decades vs 1, I'm okay with that.
  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! I joined MFP last month and it is really the most supportive thing I've ever found. Feel free to add me!
  • vhaynes83
    vhaynes83 Posts: 61 Member
    I am also restarting :)