Adjusting Starting Weight

Emnee Posts: 33 Member
Hello everyone!

I hope I'm posting in the correct section! I just bought a new (& more accurate) digital scale & used it for the first time today. The results of my new scale vs. the results of my old scale (you know the old school dial ones that spin when you step on it & has a red arrow that's pointing to you're not sure which numbers?) show that I'm 2 lbs heavier than what my old scale was telling me.

This means my starting weight was 2 lbs more than what I recorded & my current recorded weight is 2 lbs less than what it should be. Does anyone know if there's a way to alter the starting weight on mfp so that the correct data shows or am I just kinda screwed? If I only adjust my current weight now, 2 lbs of weight loss progress won't show.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance! (:


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    In the long run it won't really matter. Your weight isn't right on either scale most likely. I can weigh at home, at my mom's and at my son's and get 3 different numbers.
  • sleivian
    sleivian Posts: 8 Member
    If you go to "check in" where you enter your current weight, underneath that box there are blue letters saying "edit previous entries". I think that will work! :)
  • Emnee
    Emnee Posts: 33 Member
    @sleivian: Thank you! (:

    @Mokey41: I know it's a miniscule difference but it keeps me motivated seeing my progress!
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    If you use MFP mobile (at least on iPhone), go under the 'More' tab and adjust your profile accordingly. It has an option for altering your starting weight.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    If you go to "check in" where you enter your current weight, underneath that box there are blue letters saying "edit previous entries". I think that will work! :)

    I was trying to figure this out, too! Thanks for the help.

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