Any other Diet Coke addicts able to kick the habit?



  • I will say, I hate diet coke LOL However, I absolutely LOVE regular coke. I started my diet, and of course that is not listed as something I can have (imagine that!).... so my husband had been drinking coke zero for a little while, so I decided to start trying it. At first I wasnt too impressed with the taste, but now I actually want it more than a regular coke. I had a drink of a regular coke and it was sooo sweet I couldnt hardly drink it. Perhaps try switching to coke zero, and going down from there. It could be the same effect with the diet coke, if you drink it after drinking coke zero for a while you wont like the taste of it. My husband said that it does taste comparable with diet drinks, but it has zero calories which I love. I dont drink it often anymore, I would rather have unsweet tea or water. But if you would have known me 3 months ago I would have 5-6 cokes/dr peppers a day.... sweet tea with lots of sugar in it.... kool aid with a ton of sugar.... well you get the point. It was a small step for me, but it was worth it. And it took a little while, but I stuck with it. Good luck! Just remember to believe in yourself! :)
  • ctatro
    ctatro Posts: 1 Member
    I quit cold turley when doing a cleanse and didnt crave it from months, maybe a year, Then at someone house offered one and had it. Now I crave one once in a while but much better.
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I used to drink loads. Then cut down to one a day.
    For the past 2 months I've not touched a single drop. I just started drinking a litre of water with a touch of fruit juice in to give it some flavour.
    I've not been tempted to have the occassional one here and there. But I'm going on holiday soon and I know I'll have one or two here and there. But will go cold turkey again when I get home.
  • This thread brings to light that our eating habits (in this case bad habits) can extend way beyond just how many calories we consume. It is very difficult for many of us who have the goal to "lose weight" and are using diet drinks as a tool - all the while common sense tells us that the chemicals and additives in diet drinks cannot be good for a body.

    So ... what to do? It becomes a choice to reduce calories but keep eating unhealthy foods, OR, to reduce calories and also try to eat healthier. The latter is almost like a form of multi-tasking! 1087.gif
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