hCG Diet

I'm interested in trying the hCG Diet, but I don't know much about it. I've googled it, and I end up getting lots of pages talking about how great it is, which is great, but I would like to see some other opinions as well. Has anyone done it and it hasn't worked well? If it hasn't worked, why not? Is it hard to follow? Which hCG Diet plan is the best?

ETA: Thanks for any info in advance! :smile:


  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Start at this thread and see what you think. You can ask all the questions you like... a very courteous group here.

  • lovintate
    lovintate Posts: 4 Member
    I am on my second round of HCG, the first time around I lost 20lbs but with TONS of cheats, hardest part is summer time lake trips, BBQ's and other social events. The beer will get a girl everytime. Well this time I am totally commited and my mind is set to lose this last 10-20 pds I have reread the pounds and inches and went back over the protcol to get my mind back in the game. I am just courious on some other HCG users daily menu that is working for them. 1st round I ate nothing but chicken breast and green beans, I would like to venture out a little more this round and see what others are doing. Thanks
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I am on my second round of HCG, the first time around I lost 20lbs but with TONS of cheats, hardest part is summer time lake trips, BBQ's and other social events. The beer will get a girl everytime. Well this time I am totally commited and my mind is set to lose this last 10-20 pds I have reread the pounds and inches and went back over the protcol to get my mind back in the game. I am just courious on some other HCG users daily menu that is working for them. 1st round I ate nothing but chicken breast and green beans, I would like to venture out a little more this round and see what others are doing. Thanks

    I eat a lot of tomatoes sprinkled with sea salt and sauteed spinach...............cabbage sauteed in coconut oil.

    Green beans are not in my protocol.