So much for healthy!



  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Little Debbie's 'look' like health food? Tasty? Sure. A great source of nutrients? Not so much.

    And granola isn't by default 'healthy' either (and not always tasty. Though I do love some Big Sky Granola).

    Read labels. You learn lots of things that way.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Sorry band wagon posters are lame.

    430 Cals with that little protein and fiber is a ****ty "snack".

    Unless you're eating it to meet your carb or fat macro goals, in which case, it would be a good snack.

    Exactly. There is no "healthy" or "unhealthy" food (within reason). You have to view the diet as a whole. If I ate nothing but high protein snacks all day then I'd be neglecting my carb and fat intake. If I were low on fat and carbs for the day I'd definitely go for one of those granola thingies.

    Having said that, I do see the point of the OP, but just wanted to advise using a broader view of your daily and weekly diet, not any one particular food. Worrying about how many grams of fat are in a food is kinda silly. A healthier way of doing it would be to try to reach a minimum amount of fat and protein each day and then fill in the rest however you see fit.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    wait, food has calories????
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    wait, food has calories????

    Antifreeze has zero calories and it is quite tasty.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    While this probably works for someone's macros, I couldn't justify eating that. Not enough mass for a meal, too many calories for a snack, too much fat rather than carbs for a post-workout item, and not enticing enough to use for hitting a calorie minimum.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    But there are good fats and bad fats, correct?

    Fat in fish I'm assuming is good, fat in a Little Debbie, bad? :)

    well, the fat from fish will give you Omega 3 which is good, so sorta. But not really. It's not that the lil' debbie cake is "bad" per se, but that with very little fiber or protein you will still be hungry after eating the snack cake. you could eat a pack of those things and still be ravenous. pringles are the same way for me. the other snack choice has a better chance of giving you a feeling of satiety .
  • judtod
    judtod Posts: 85
    That amount of calories would put me off too. I find that by doing my own cooking I can frequently eat something where the packaged variety would be too caloric. For instance, someone above talked about how a quarter cup of granola is 240 calories. I make my own which is delicious and only 117 calories per quarter cup. It is a lot better tasting than the stuff in stores, cheaper and lower in calories. It is from Cooks Illustrated, here is the link: (I hope the link works)
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    I DEFINITELY appreciate the feedback - Both that agree with me AND that disagree.

    For ME, I may pay attention to calories a little TOO much, but it's also what works best for me.

    Thanks so much!
    Some of us do go by calories and not macros, doesn't make one right or wrong. If I eat something thinking it is going to be low cal and find out later it is not, it is kind of depressing so I feel what your saying OP!! If a snack is going to be 1/4 of my calorie allotment it had better fill me up for a while!!

    Doing this is a great learning opportunity though and helps me remember to look before devouring. :happy:
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    That's the way that I feel, even if I didn't put it quite as bluntly. :)
    Sorry band wagon posters are lame.

    430 Cals with that little protein and fiber is a ****ty "snack".
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    It's not that a snack needs to be a certain number of calories, but when I only get 1700 of them for the day, 400+ for a snack (that likely won't fill me up) doesn't seem like a good option.

    As stated in my correction, it might be "healthy" but it's a little high in calories for a snack.
    mmm snacks.

    why do you think snacks have to be a certain amount of calories?
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    Yep - Subwya is the only "Fast Food" we eat now, but considering we both eat a foot long, it's HARDLY "healthy". It's about double what my normal dinner is. Needless to say, they are only on days when I have forgotten to eat. :)
    I agree with what you're saying completely. People also assume subway is a healthy option - it's not. Almost everything there is so sodium laden, and the "whole grain" bread is a joke. I have NO problem eating subway -or any other delicious snack- as a treat, but I'd never eat it claiming I was healthy for doing so. And I always work it into my macros.

    I always read the ingredients first, then the nutrition label.

    Edited to add: I make my own super healthy granola bars, but I can usually not fit them in my macros. They're always very high calorie, and even with 1300-1500 it's hard to get it in, so I get what you're saying about the calories being more like a meals-worth than a snack. They do fill you up though!
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    And that is exactly what i"ve gotten out of this post - I enjoyed seeing other peoples opinions. I realized that I may have focused a BIT too much on the calorie number, but tis' what works for me.

    I think the point is, healthy doesn't necessarily mean low calorie. Or low fat. So for those of us who have to watch calories and fat closely, it can be misleading to see "healthy" on the label.

    I've learned the hard way to ALWAYS check the nutritional values on something before eating.

    Plus, you just have to be educated about things.

    I love trail mix, and there is no doubt that it is a better snack than a Twinkie. But I still have to account for the fats and sugars in the trail mix ( and of course the calories). Before I paid attention to calories, I might eat a whole cup of trail mix, telling myself that it was nuts and fruits. That's how I ended up fat.

    Lets all remember that there's no "free lunch" in anything!
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    I have never tried avocados - I want to, but then I looked up the calories on them and decided against that too. :)

    If I KNEW this granola bar thing would have filled me up, I would have been okay with it. But I had doubts it would.

    High calories doesn't mean unhealthy necessarily.. but it also doesnt' mean filling... I know people love thier graonla.. but it doesnt' fill me.. and at 210 calories for 1/4 cup.. i'll look elsewhere for a snack.. I still eat it occasionally because I do like how it tastes.. but it's a treat, not a go to.

    I love avocados.. having a bunch of it with dinner tonight actually. I love organic whole milk.. at 160 calories per cup. It's really good for you :~)

    I strive to eat clean.. and I do well until I go out to eat.

    But i have to agree.. 427 calories for something that sounds more like a dessert then a snack is a bit much. I eat that much for breakfast when I have my smoothie.. but that's got whole milk, protein powder, fruit and chai seeds in it. and I'm barely hungry even for lunch after having it. lol. Much better way to spend 400 calories.
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    Ahhhhhhhh. The big problem is that's why I didn't eat the "healthier" option either - It was about the size of a Little Debbie and although it had a bit more fiber and protein, it just didn't look very filling. :)
    But there are good fats and bad fats, correct?

    Fat in fish I'm assuming is good, fat in a Little Debbie, bad? :)

    well, the fat from fish will give you Omega 3 which is good, so sorta. But not really. It's not that the lil' debbie cake is "bad" per se, but that with very little fiber or protein you will still be hungry after eating the snack cake. you could eat a pack of those things and still be ravenous. pringles are the same way for me. the other snack choice has a better chance of giving you a feeling of satiety .