Help and advice for newbie :(

Okay so I'm new to this website :) I've been keeping a close track on my weight for a while now (trying to loose 7lbs) I weight 9st 7lbs at the moment and would be quite happy to get back to 9st - Since January I've lost 5lbs (the Christmas weight gain) but it's not been easy and I seem to be completely stuck at the moment! I eat healthy everyday - I exercise loads, mix between my elliptical trainer, light running, cycling to work - and still I can't shift anything - but if I have a bad couple of days (i.e. I consider that having even one bar of chocolate) then I'll start to gain weight straight away - I don't know whether I have a very sluggish metabolism or what but I'm finding it really difficult to stay motivated - I watch all my friends eat double what I eat and they never exercise yet they weigh alot less - Very hard to stay motivated and just wondering am I doing something wrong that I can't shift the last few pounds? Any words of inspiration greatly appreciated :)


  • Lift heavy! And how much are you eating?
  • lift heavy weights and have a cheat meal gives your leptins levels a needed boss and do H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval training) that will help alot
  • Lift heavy! And how much are you eating?

    On 1270 calories today but spent 50 mins on my Elliptical Trainer earning me 452 extra which I haven't touched! I do 50 sit-ups a day and lift 5kg arm weights!
  • You may not be eating enough. I know this sounds crazy but depending on your current weight, height, and fitness you may be eating to little. If you do your body will hold onto the calories you do eat with a vengeance causing your weight loss to slow or even cease. Also even if that would normally be enough you may need a calorie boost go up for one day on your calories and give your metabolism a jumpstart. I am not against cardio at all, its very important but you should really try heavy lifting along with it,"heavy"would be any weight that you can lift for 8 reps but not more than12 allot of women, me included have had success with this. Hope this helps:)