Any other Couch to 5k users?

I'm training to run my first 5K in October and am on W5D1 of Couch to 5K. The 25 minute run at the end of the week is looking very intimidating. I'm looking for any other Couch to 5K users to exchange tips, techniques, etc.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I am doing a 5k in Nov, but doing it the hard way :)
  • nanmosta1
    I thought that myself when I did c25k. I was amazed when I did it. Aslong as you continue on the plan I'm betting you will breeze throught it. By the way I'm 55, very overweight, and the most exercise I had before this was going to the frdge. Needless to say if I can do it, anyone can. Tips, ipod, chewing gum, tissues, and image what you would do if you won the lottery while you run, totally distracts you. Good luck
  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I'm only in week 4 but I totally know what you mean about week 5 day 3. I keep counting down thinking it's impossible. But weirdly some days I do the training then come back to the treadmill and just run for fun and I can quote easily run for 12-15 minutes. So that little push for 25 will be hard but not impossible.

    Take at least a day off before you tackle that session. Running 2 days on a row will make it harder. Drink plenty but most importantly just don't let it freak you out. You can do it! One thing I always say to myself is not to stop because the last thing I want to do is repeat one of the 5k training days. Why do it twice when you can power through it once?

    Good luck and report back on how you get on! Feel free to add me as I don't intend to quit this C25k!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I started middle of July but am still on week 2 (haha)... I should finally be ready for Week 3 next week so I'm looking forward to that.

    As far as techniques and tips...I'd been running outside at 8:30am 3x/week and the heat was KILLING me. At that point, it would usually be about 80 but the heat index was much higher so I would get sweaty (which I don't mind) and my water would be warm by the time I REALLY needed it and I just couldn't run anymore.

    I started running on an inside track on Monday and finally made it through the full 30 minutes and definitely think that's helped. It's air conditioned which was weird at first, but at the same time, nice, 'cause I think I'll be using a lot less energy than running outside in the hot sun.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i did the disney 1/2 marathon this past january but completed it with walk/run intervals....
    i am currently doing the c25k program and finished wk2 day 3 last night....i'm getting "nervous" about jumping up to running 3 mins in wk 3 LOL let alone the 25 mins you speak of in wk 5 LOL....
    you will do great...take your time, dont over push yourself, but definitely push to get it done and most importantly, ENJOY yourself....
    just keep running....just keep running....
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I did a modified version of it. I've found that it works better for me if I just go until I cant go anymore. The stops and starts are HARD! :)

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll be successful!
  • jojo0512
    I love the C25K, it's a gradual process. In the past I would just go out and jog and when I felt like jogging I would and then walk, but my mind would give out before my body so I didn't feel challenged. I like that you can download this on your ipod and play music to it while it tells you to walk and jog.

    Good luck everyone