Help, cant lose stomach fat.

trackme Posts: 239 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all, what a great place! I was wondering if any one has a recommendation for a diet, ect. to lose stomach fat. I have lost over 10 lbs but not an ounce of stomach fat (measurement is the same and pants still fit the same, except for the booty) It seems to be coming off from everywhere but my stomach. I have been doing aerobic exercise. Can anyone give me some advice?:sad:


  • raymj61
    raymj61 Posts: 142
    Most of the stuff I see says you can't really target fat loss in one particular region. The advice I read is keep doing cardio and watch your fat intake and it'll come off.
  • Squash97
    Squash97 Posts: 84
    I have dealt with the same issue. My stomach is the first place I gain it, so theoretically it should be the first place you lose it too. I have lost quite a bit, but after three kids, it seems as though I still have this large "appendage" protruding from my midsection. You could be dealing with water weight and bloating. I am lactose intolerant and if I have larger quantities of milk I feel like I've gained ten pounds in my stomach region. It sounds more like a bloating issue than a weight issue... But I'm new to all of this. :smile:
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    That is also my problem area, I've been running and it seems to help.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Try developing your stomach muscles by doing crunches or something. They say that muscle burns calories even at rest... maybe this will help.
  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    For me it's been pretty much the last to go away. I just keep running and working out and eating right. Just hoping it will go some day lol If not I am still much better off than I was before!
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I would say walking and running...I do Leslie Sansones Walking for Weightloss DVD and it does wonders for my stomach! :)
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    try the belly fat diet...consuming foods that don't cause bloating and eat a mufa with every meal. that's what i'm doing because belly fat is my biggest issue. i can see my upper and middle abdonimal muscles taking shape. and i haven't seen them since 1999.

    i need to work on the lower abdominal wall. the pouch.
  • iambrandice
    iambrandice Posts: 157 Member
    Yeah, to get rid of that you will have to do crunches along with cardio. I found that that is the best way to get rid of it. I would recommend doing upper ab crunches and lower ab crunches. The lower one's are my favorite, where you put your hands behind your head and then cross your ankles with your knees bent, and then you lift your legs/butt slightly off the floor. Good luck! :)
  • daisy3
    daisy3 Posts: 1
    Try strength training exercises and different types of crunches. Repetition is the key, 3 times per week. There are lots of abdominal exercises out there, maybe you can fnd a few that will work for you. Also, keep up the cardio.
  • cynciti
    cynciti Posts: 2
    Cardio, Cardio, Cardio as well as exercises that target your abs and core. I use Power 90 by Tony Horton Ab Ripper 100 and 200. It's so nice and short--4 minutes total but it hurts and works (I've lost 3 inches so far in 45 days)! Check out my transformation (still in progress) I have two adult daughters of my own! Good Luck and let me know if you have any questions, Cyn (
  • I have the opposite problem..... I have only lost 3 lbs (including the 2lbs I lost before MFP) but have now lost about 4-5 inches around the waist. My usual mid section targeting routine looks like this.
    5min jogging in place or bicep curls with light weights
    3min of rapid crunches
    1min of girl pushups
    1min of jumping jacks
    3 min of oblique crunches (one sided crunches attempting to touch the opposite side of you stomach with elbow)
    2 min of bicycle crunches (lay on your back and bring one knee up to your chest while the other is straight then visa versa)
    3min of rapid crunches
    2min of jumping jacks
    3min of spreading your arms out straight then bending over to touch the opposite foot
    1min girl pushups
    1min lunges
    3min of jogging in place
    2min of stretching to cool down

    I try to do this routine 3 times a week, then I do something fun the other days. Like today I tried hula dancing for the first time =P And I like to do pilates along with that workout routine above if I have extra time. Good luck to you!!
  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    thanks for posting this, it's my problem area too!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I suggest taking a close look at your diet- try eliminating as many processed foods from your diet as you can and replace them with whole foods, generally the cleaner you eat, the better your results will be.
  • I don't know if this will help. It looks like a big infomercial to me but a close friend says she likes the program. It appears his focus is to watch sugar carbs.

    I do not think you can target fat loss to specific body areas. My focus is to lose weight overall and tone muscle at the same time thought strength and cardio exercise.
  • I totally agree with Eve on the nutritional side of it. You really do need to eat as clean as possible. I started cooking a lot more of my own food as to avoid as much grease and processed food as possible. I get as much fiber as I can. And eat as fresh as I can. I can't tell you how much better I feel since I started doing that.
  • This is my big area of concern too! Im only about 15 pounds overweight but of that 15, 13 are easily belly! I had back surgery 2 yrs ago and my back will still scream at me if I do over about 5 crunches. I dont really see what good five will do so I usually dont even bother with them :(
    But I dont want my skinny legs and arms to get skinnier while my blubber belly stays the same!
    Will not be a happy camper if I loose 15 and still look pregnant!!
  • trackme
    trackme Posts: 239 Member
    Thank you all so much for your awesome advice!
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I suggest taking a close look at your diet- try eliminating as many processed foods from your diet as you can and replace them with whole foods, generally the cleaner you eat, the better your results will be.

    I agree with Eve. Clean eating.

    I also try and eat small meals 5x a day. It helps my body to process the food that comes into my body, instead of storing what it can't process as fat around the waist line.
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    I've been told diet is the most important factor for belly fat... but from personal past experience nothing toned my body better than regular yoga practice.. it's just incredible what yoga can do for your body
  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
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