Needing encouragement!

faith326 Posts: 11 Member
Hey, I'm Alison, just now started using myfitnesspal. I have about 50 lbs to lose and to date I am at the heaviest I've ever been! Now I am ready to take my health seriously and start kicking butt :) looking for some MFP friends to start this journey!


  • Hi! Congrats on starting your journey. I am as well with you in the same bout. I am sooo ready to lose 30lbs. Feel free to add me Ill be right there with ya
  • faith326
    faith326 Posts: 11 Member
    thanks! and ill be here for you too! just got to stay positive.
  • zimmerem
    zimmerem Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there! I'm just newly starting out as well and I have a bunch to lose also! Feel free to add me for some extra support :)
  • halesss3
    halesss3 Posts: 31
    Hey! I'm also at the heaviest I've ever been myself! I've used my fitness pal for a while but recently started posting and adding friends! I've got 40 lbs to go myself! we can ALL do this! :)
  • faith326
    faith326 Posts: 11 Member
    thanks girls! I added you. We can do this :)
  • halesss3
    halesss3 Posts: 31
    we definitely can!!!!!!!!!! im so glad I started to use my fitness pal. this is the motivation I needed
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Take lots of photos...about every 6-8 weeks, do a face shot, front shot, and side. When you have those days that discourage you, or you think you haven't changed much, the photos will show you otherwise. I didn't do that, and I wish I would have...
  • faith326
    faith326 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes that's exactly how I feel. Its going to be nice to have people on the same path as me.
  • faith326
    faith326 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks that's a great idea. Taking these before pics will be rough but one day it will be awesome to see where I started.
  • Kennedy225
    Kennedy225 Posts: 25 Member
    Nice to meet you! I've been using MFP since January 2013 and I love it!! I've last a total of 40 lbs!! The last 20 thanks to the awesome friends I've made here, who keep me motivated and dedicated to staying on track. Feel free to add me. =)