Insanity Knee Pain Issues

Hey, y'all. Thanks for reading!

So, I am fixing to start month 2 of insanity. I have my last fit test tomorrow, actually. I did month 1 for an extra week just for the heck of it. ANYWAY, for the past week or week and a half, I've had some knee pain. It sometimes hurts during the workout, but not always. However, it ALWAYS hurts right after the workout and often for hours afterwards. It's not achey, but more of a sharp pain right below my knee cap that does not lessen even when resting. The next day it's usually okay, but I'm a bit worried about starting month two. Any suggestions? Tips?


  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    Couple of suggestions:

    1) Make sure you have good supportive shoes.

    2) Use exercise flooring (squares that fit together like puzzle pieces) -- they help my joints a lot

    3) Make sure to use correct form

    4) Ice knees afterwards

    5) You may be developing tendinitis -- seeing a sports med doc may not be a bad idea
  • alethea88
    alethea88 Posts: 112 Member
    You over worked your knee. Even though now your knee feels better the next day, the impact that you give to your knee each time you do the exercise will gradually cause your knee injury. Don't quit your exercise but do it in lower intensity such as less impact to the knees. Do see a doctor for advice on your knee condition.
  • CoachColin
    CoachColin Posts: 44
    Probably Tendinitis. I developed the same thing myself and just had to back off of it for a couple weeks while it got better. Definitely make sure you Ice it at least once every day and that should help your recovery.
  • justinstuart99705
    justinstuart99705 Posts: 13 Member
    When I used to do insanity this is what I ended up with so be careful. I know someone who went through it and on the second time, he compressed 2 disk in his spine for all the jumps etc. Like Alexis said make sure your have good form. I know Insanity is intense but a good thing that I learned is FOSI (Form Over Speed and Intensity) if your form is wrong then you will not gain anything.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I was considering doing Insanity until I read all the cautionary reviews on I've had enough knee issues in the past that I have a knee stabilizer cut to my dimensions. I would be very careful about damage to one's knees. Insanity is high impact program and it didn't seem that there was a good way to modify it.

    I would seriously consider another workout, one that does not rely on plyometrics. Join a gym and pick some lower impact options after seeing an orthopedist and PT if that is possible.
  • jnowenby
    jnowenby Posts: 9
    Well, that's all scary haha.

    Thanks for the replies though. It's feeling a lot better since I started month 2, thankfully.

    The compressed disk thing is kinda terrifying though. haha
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    Check this site out, lots of great tips and exercises for building and strengthening the muscles around the knees to prevent injury and to rehab from knee injuries.

    If you're having chronic knee pain, you might want to consider a complete joint supplement stack like Animal Flex.
  • jnowenby
    jnowenby Posts: 9
    okay. thanks so much!