Not Enough Calories With Insanity!

Hey everyone this is my first post to MFP but it's an important one. I read a few posts where people had said they weren't seeing any weight loss on insanity until they increased their caloric intake and I didn't really understand this. BUT I read over the nutrition guide again and guess what.. turns out I wasn't getting enough myself! MFP determines what you "should" be taking in when you set up your profile (lightly active, active... lose.5 pounds a week, 1 pound a week). But on insanity there is a different equation you have to use to figure out what your body needs. I was taking in 1380 calories a day and couldn't understand why I wasn't losing any weight and ALWAYS hungry... When I plugged in my numbers it turns out I need 2021 calories a day! Whoa that's big difference. Although I am seeing a difference in the inches that im losing, I wasn't seeing any weight loss. I'm hoping that this will help!


  • rolemodel69
    rolemodel69 Posts: 365
    People often cut too much on their calorie intake, because they think that by eating less they will lose more weight. What really happen is they fall into starvation mode and slow down their metabolism and actually gain weight or stop losing. Always read your nutrition plan that comes with your program and follow it to get great results.

    I am glad you did, you will now begins to see your body changes with proper nutrition. Keep pushing play!
  • halesss3
    halesss3 Posts: 31
    Thanks ! I already feel my body changing and now that I finally understand what everyone was saying I think my measurements are going to soar !
  • kju52
    kju52 Posts: 45 Member
    how many week in are you ? and have you seen weight loss since upping the cals ? (i'm in week 4)
  • halesss3
    halesss3 Posts: 31
    I'm in week 6 and sadly not yet. I am seeing inches fly off though (I just wish I could see the numbers on the scale move). I couldn't figure out what it was I am eating healty, lot of eggs and lean meat and nuts, all the good stuff. Even MFP says that little thing after you log your diary that day "should weight this much in 5 weeks" I shouldve lost 10 lbs by now. I will keep updating and let you know how it goes. So glad to see more women doing insanity !!
  • amaira515
    amaira515 Posts: 22 Member
    You should keep in mind also that muscle gain will account for some of that. As you gain more muscle and get toned it is probably keeping your weight even despite the fact you are loosing fat. It is still a really good thing though! Most trainers/nutritionists I've spoken to say go by inches more then scale especially if you are getting toned and working out a lot.