I need some advice on diary!!! Please help

I am male, 5ft9 and 164lbs now. I've already been 160, but I gained 4lbs for try to break my plateau. But it doesn't work. I need some advice on my diary because I want to start again. I want to burn more fat and get lean muscle. Please help me!!! How can I decrease my carbs? and how much protein I should eat per day? I am scared to eat fat :(....


  • kenbi
    kenbi Posts: 18
    Does anyone help me?? :(
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Stop taking in excess protein.
    Don't eat back all your exercise cals - they are inflated.
    Carbs? Doesn't matter.
    Run some more.
    Lift some more.
  • kenbi
    kenbi Posts: 18
    How many protein I should eat to build muscle, 1g/1lb
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Muscle doesn't get built by simply consuming protein. You need to lift some heavy stuff and replenish with protein, rest, and repeat. And it's a 1:1 ratio of protein to lean mass. For instance, I weigh 152, and I am roughly 10% BF, therefore, my lean mass is about 137, so I try to hit that as a minimum every day to build/maintain. Keep in mind I am neither an expert nor a bodybuilder - I swim/bike/run. I'm sure if you search around the forums you'll see varying opinions on this.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Strart lifting. Go to your local gym and get help setting up a doable program for you. Be sure to replace after your workout with a protein drink or something. And fat is a needed component of your diet, do not be afraid of it. macros for mr are fat, protein lastly carbs
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Eat healthy fats. Do not be scared of them. I am over on fats almost every day and it is not hurting my progress.
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    Here is some information that I was given to help lose fat, now I'm not trying to build muscle, but just as SonicDeathMon said that comes from the work outs you do.

    "But basically - Protein helps repairs muscles after you work out, which is when muscle grows and definition is formed. It also keeps you fuller, longer because it helps to digest more easily when you eat carbs too. Fat helps with cellular development and also plays a big big role in "happy chemicals" in your brain, which is why almonds, avocado, olive oil, those kinds of fats are important. Carbs give you energy to get through your workouts and if you restrict carbs then your body burns your stored fat as energy. People who work out long and hard, like distance runners, need more carbs than other people. Depending on the kind of carb it is, it can cause a spike in your insulin levels when you eat a lot in one sitting. (Think Thanksgiving or Italian food - you know how you always need a nap after? That's the insulin crashing.) My only objection to limiting carbs is how your body reacts why you reintroduce them back in to your diet your body almost forgets how to process them so sometimes the weight you've lost comes back. But that doesn't always happen. Like so much else, it just depends on you and your body. Personally, I eat brown carbs. Brown rice, whole grain bread, and sweet potatos. When I first starting losing weight, my rule was nothing white except milk and cottage cheese. It worked for me, but you do what works for you.

    The carbs in veggies and fruits is different than the carbs in white bread, but you're right - sugar is sugar and carbs are carbs, but these kinds of carbs are more easily digested by our bodies than refined sugars and refined carbs, which is why they are treated differently. Oh, I've learned recently that apparently these kinds of carbs are good for replenishing your energy stores after you work out, so if you have a banana with yoru protein your muscles heal a little faster. i didn't know that until last week, so I'm still implementing that into my nutrition plan."

    Based on websites I've gone to for TTEE and BMR SonicDeathMon is right about the 1:1 ratio on the protien.

    I knew a guy who was trying to lose weight and build muscle, his goal was to be be in a body building competition... His meals were VERY boring, He did a refeed 1x a week on sundays where he ate everything. He went from 260 down to 190 in about a year. I'm not sure what you goal weight is, but at 164, I would venture to guess you are pretty close..

    His typical day looked like this

    Workout: 6 days a week he alternated muscle groups to do heavy lifting on different days, always 20 min of cardio before and after his workouts to warm up and cool down..

    Post Workout: Banana with a natural nut butter and a protein shake

    Breakfast: oatmeal

    Meals 3x: protein, veggie, brown carb

    Snack: nuts

    Now this worked for him, will it work for you? I don't know.. Just thought I'd share his experience in hopes it might be helpful.
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    What weight are you wanting to get down too?
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    That 79g of protein you had for lunch? Way too much for one meal. Your body can only process so much protein in one sitting..
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    If you wanting to eat less carbs...look at the foods that are high in carbs and change to eating more fat.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Protein is important, yes. But eating a balanced, nutritious diet is ultimately more important. Fats are not your enemy, and protein in huge amounts isn't necessarily your friend. Eat at a reasonable deficit, work out, both cardio and strength have a place. You can do this. Patience.
  • kenbi
    kenbi Posts: 18
    Thanks for all you guys. I plan to lost 10lbs more. I lift weight 5 times per week. So I should decrease the protein I consume, right??
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    You want a 1:1 ratio for lean body mass, so you can probably reduce a little. Ultimately you want to spread that protein out during the day. Based on yesterday you had 72 in 1 setting, your body can't process all that at once and it's being wasted. I would eat 5-6 times a day as opposed to just 3x. That way your body can actually use all the nutrients you're giving it.
  • kenbi
    kenbi Posts: 18
    I use MFP apps on phone, so I dont know how to set it up for 5-6 meals, but I didnt eat everything for 1 meal, I eat at least 6 meals per day, I just log every thing I eat into MFP. So I will try to decrease my protein. But I dont know why I can lose any lb even I never eat more than the goal MFP + 2/3 my calories exercise. :(..