Less Energy & Grumpy Since Working Out?????



  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Ever see those snickers commercials?!?!
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    If you're eating as much as you should be (150 calories off isn't that bad), I would certainly get checked for your iron levels (and other vitamin deficiencies). I was feeling low energy, my hair started falling out, and all sorts of other smaller issues. Turns out I was borderline anemic, I've been taking iron supplements for 2-3 years now (under doctor orders, don't just go out and do this because iron can be harsh on your body) and I've not had an issue since. If your body isn't getting enough of something it will definitely let you know.
  • camacola80
    camacola80 Posts: 16
    I am having the same problem. Cranky, irritated, and headaches non stop. I think a big part is stress. Sticking to a plan is SSTRESSFUL! But still, I thought I would feel better too.....
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Ugh, I'm sorry you're feeling that way!! Ditto to everything here! Are you drinking enough H2O to compensate for what you lose exercising? That always makes me feel lethargic and grumpy, as I start to get dehydrated.

    Also, are you over-exercising? Like, are you pounding through the cardio every day, but not giving your body days to recover? Are you alternating days with weights, instead of focusing only on cardio? Sometimes, working out every day can have this impact too.

    Good luck. And congrats on almost being at your goal!
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Might also be Adrenal Fatigue.
  • camacola80
    camacola80 Posts: 16
    I am having the same problem. Cranky, irritated, and headaches non stop. I think a big part is stress. Sticking to a plan is SSTRESSFUL! But still, I thought I would feel better too.....

    Yeah, I am under a decent amount of stress and I do get headaches as well, so I'm sure that is a contributing factor too. But that is normal for me. (Yes, I have seen doctors about the headaches before someone asks.) And I do drink a lot of water.
  • camacola80
    camacola80 Posts: 16
    Ever see those snickers commercials?!?!

    LOL :-)
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Try eating your meals at the same time every day, so your body doesn't crave energy, its getting it in consistency from eating.
    If you feel that grumble in your tummy it means you have waited too long to eat.
    There is a such thing as "Over Training Syndrome"
    ~the overtraining syndrome is a neuro-endocrine disorder where the normal fine balance in the interaction between nervous and hormonal systems is disturbed and the body is so tired that it now has a decreased ability to repair itself during rest.
    ~if you constantly push your limits without giving your body a chance to recover, your entire engine may just break down

    Stop exercising for a week and reduce your training afterwards. The week of recovery will give your body a wonderful chance to recover and recuperate after a long period of overexertion. Your muscles will have an opportunity to rebuild themselves during this essential time of relaxation.

    Shape Fit.Com article Over Training and Exercise
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I feel that way, I either need to up my calories, or ease back on the intensity of my exercise. Or a little of both. And sometimes I just need a mental break from counting calories and obsessing over food.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    To help with your sleep you may want to try exercising at other times of the day. I was working out in the evening and it kept me from getting to bed til late because I was still revved up. Now I workout in the morning or at lunch and by the time 9 p.m. hits, I'm exhausted. I used to have bad insomnia and working out in the AM has helped drastically.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Do you eat back exercise calories the way MFP intends for you to do? If not, you're not eating enough to fuel that activity as MFP's activity level setting only includes your day to day hum drum...
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I seem to have more energy and happier when I work out.
  • camacola80
    camacola80 Posts: 16
    Thank you everyone! Question about Carbs. MFP increased my daily carb intake, and I did not realize that. It used to say 99 carbs daily, now it says 156. So I have not been eating enough carbs the past 2 weeks, like a lot of you mentioned. Looking for suggestions on 156 carbs per day, and also staying within my 1200 calorie per day budget????
  • camacola80
    camacola80 Posts: 16
    Thank you everyone! Question about Carbs. MFP increased my daily carb intake, and I did not realize that. It used to say 99 carbs daily, now it says 156. So I have not been eating enough carbs the past 2 weeks, like a lot of you mentioned. Looking for suggestions on 156 carbs per day, and also staying within my 1200 calorie per day budget????

    Actually....I just typed in what I expect to eat the entire day for my main courses, and I am very close on the carbs. I have 35 remaining, which I can do with snacks. Snacks were the only thing I didn't type in yet.