High carb day- ladies

Hi everyone

From next week I've decided to try carb cycling but am a bit unsure as to how many grams (not net carbs but the total figure) of carbs would count as a high carb day? Also I've seen some ladies post about eating a low carb diet and they stick to 20-30 a day. Does anyone have an example daily menu for a diet like this? I can't work out how it's possible!! I get through that amount in veggies alone. And don't people suffer from a severe lack of energy this way?


  • stayfit_dontquit
    hi ther, i have been playing with my carb intake alot in the past few months (after trying keto , less then 25g carbs a day) wich i hated, loss of energy muscle depletion, it was awful. i personally have three types of days a week 1. low carb/on less active days i keep them at 50g or less and have starchy carbs ( sprouted breads or oatmeal with fruit and egg whites) for breakfast, the rest of the day my carbs come from green green veggies (look up low glycemic index food on internet very helpful) 2. med carb days/more intense w/o days i keep them at around 80g a day and my starches are eaten in the morning and right befor and right after my w/o. 3. high carb/cheatday ( wich i dont have every week, only when i feel its possible) i have between 100-140g carbs and treat myself to something i usually dont. hope this hepls and good luck.