Pregnancy after weight loss?

I have to lose weight to get pregnant is what I have been told by my doctor. For those who have gone through similar situations how much did u have to lose and how long did it take u to conceive after your weight loss?


  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    Hello, I was never told to lose weight to fall pregnant but i did drop 12 kg stopped the pill and fell straight away - i was still overweight, "obese" on the bmi scale.. I have read that 10% reduction in weight improves chances of falling pregnant.
  • shimmer615
    shimmer615 Posts: 55
    I was over 200 pounds with both of my pregnancies. Not that it was the healthiest thing In general, but I had 2 healthy pregnancies and 2 healthy children. I have heard that it does help, but everybody's body is different. Seems to me that any loss is a good loss. :)
  • sexymommi
    sexymommi Posts: 52
    I have PCOS and could not concive with out firtility drug, in 2011 i started on my health kick journey and was 345lbs+, I lost 65 pounds partly due to i unknowingly had diabetes. I was diagnosed in sept 2011, so i started getting that under control and stuff and then was also losing my hair. found out after many blood tests that i was losing my hair cause my hormones were all out of wack and they were that way due to the fact that i was pregnant (HUGE SHOCKER)
    Hope that kind of helps you :)
  • Excess weight can really become an obstacle for getting pregnant. I have heard about it. I didn't have such a problem, but I was struggling to lose weight after pregnancy and I can advise the program that helped me a lot. The program is called the fat loss factor and I think it may be also helpful in your situation. It is based on the proper healthy diet and exercise. So, you can read more about it here
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    In my case, losing weight would have done NOTHING for me in trying to conceive. I have a hormone imbalance (Polycystic ovarian syndrome), a blocked tube, and a blood clotting thing that makes my blood clot too fast so that if I did have an egg go down the one tube that isn't blocked and try to implant, it would auto-abort before getting started.

    I don't know if it was your OB/GYN who told you that or if it was a reproductive specialist, but I would hate to see you go through trying to lose weight and have that end up not being the issue. I'm in Indianapolis and would be happy to let you know my doctor's name. We went through 2 cycles (1 IVF, and 1 IUI) and have two beautiful daughters. (We're 2-for-2 and that's unheard of odds.) Yes, I had to take blood thinner shots during the pregnancies, but small price to pay in the grand scheme of things. I was over 200 pounds with the first (likely around 250) and closer to 300-ish while pregnant with my second. I'm now 47 and my oldest is 9.5 years old and my youngest is 6.5 years old.

    It's always a good idea to get your food intake "under control" to the point where you're eating better quality food, and yes that will help. Just make sure there aren't any other underlying issues too.
  • Losing weight seemed to help me conceive my second son. I have PCOS. It took us a year and a half to conceive our first. Long story, but involved lots of clomid and finally a month of birth control pills followed by starting metformin and I was pg. With our second, we did pretty much nothing to prevent for 2 years, but did not get pg. Then we decided we were ready. I lost about 15 or 20 pounds, again took metformin and was pg within 3 months. I was still very overweight (215 at 5'6"), but losing the 15 or 20 seemed to make a difference. It definitely made a difference with the pregnancy itself. I had a much healthier pregnancy the second time around.

    Now I'm working on losing again before we try for #3.