walking/running with stroller?

So, how are you recording this? So far I've just been choosing the regular walking or running, at the speed I'm going. But I'm sure I burn more since I'm pushing a stroller with 1, sometimes 2 kids.


  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I have this same issue. I just pick walkign at a brisk pace. I dont eat my exercise calories anyways so I would rather under estimate then over estimate and I too push two kids sometimes
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Good question! I did this on Saturday, but I wasn't sure how to log it.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I have the same problem. I push two toddlers in a double stroller (not a jogging one either), so I know I am burning way more calories than just walking. There is an entry for walking with a stroller, but it adds less calories than walking at 3MPH. MAybe I will have to break down and get a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate reading. Right now I just log it as walking at 3.5 MPH.
  • smarston
    smarston Posts: 78 Member
    I just started walking outside with my son while his brothers are in school since the weather finally cooled down. I personally don't figure in the stroller pushing and think of it as a bonus. The only way to get a completely accurate recording is to use an HRM but I have yet to purchase one. Just do your best and try not to over estimate. Enjoy your exercise with your children. :)
  • seamonkeys
    Great point about underestimating that overestimating! I was just curious what others were doing. I couldn't find an exericse choice that showed pushing a stroller, so I've just been doing 3 MPH if I'm casually walking and 4 MPH if I'm walking faster for my Couch 2 5K.