Taking days off of Shred

somethingvague Posts: 64
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey, so I started the 30 Day Shred and I've been working out for about 6 days in a row now. I want to exercise every day, but today I was exhausted after work (took a 2 hour nap, which I never do) and my knees are killing me(buckling when I walk)

So inside I know it's definitley okay to take a day off. But I'm only about 2 weeks in into changing my lifestyle, so I'm still feeling super guilty about any tiny slip up and assuming i've "ruined everything" by having an extra snack one day,haha. So basically I just need to hear it from other people so I don't torture myself for the rest of the night. :)



  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    O hunny days off r just fine.. I myself just started 30 day shred and am only on day 2 and am ready for a day off LOL.. I am sooooo exhausted and sore, but itll all be worth it in the end :-).. I am going to take the weekends off of Shred and just do Monday thru Friday so I can give my body a rest.. Ur doing great and keep up the good work :-)!!

    P.S. If u wanna add me as a friend u may.. That way we can do the shred 2gether and keep each other motivated hehe..
  • claygal123
    claygal123 Posts: 8 Member
    Iv'e been doing the shred for about 20 days - works great, but kills my knees too! I did it yesterday while my knees were aching, and now I can barely walk.

    Take it easy on the knees! Do some ab work or pushups instead!

  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    I definately don't recommend the 30 day shred. It will KILL your knees. You need to start with something that is low impact. I'm doing Turbo Jam, and it is AWESOME. It's a great workout (IMO better than 30 day shred), and it doesn't hurt you like 30 day shred does.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Jillian has a Yoga DVD that you can do on your off days. With some of the Beachbody workout schedules you will find 3 days of working out hard, the fourth day (usually Thursday) is a stretch or Yoga day. Friday and Saturday you workout hard again and Sunday is a complete rest day. You have to give your knees a break. They don't get stronger during exercise, they get stronger during rest after exercise.
  • Aileth
    Aileth Posts: 8
    I'm around day 7 of the shred and my knees haven't complained at all! Usually 1h of stationary bycicle will kill them but Jillian's workout hasn't had any bad effect on my knees.

    I think she mentions not to put the knee in front of your foot on workout 1.

    Don't kill yourself for taking a day off, just don't make it too much of a habit :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    It is good sometimes to take the day off. I find that if I take the day off when I really need it then I am more motivated and am not so achy so I am able to do a better workout the next day
  • It may not be the plan you'd choose in an ideal world (keeping the Shread plan), but knees are hard to replace, so keep them in mind for your fitness plan. Because, trust me, it's a LONG LONG path to getting back to fitness levels when you push your joints too far.

    My story:
    When I started back to workouts after gaining weight from pregnancy and a needed a year's worth of PT for joint injury, it turned out I could only go every other day for the first couple months - or else my knees were so swolen I couldn't walk.

    After a couple months, however, I was able to do a high-impact wourkout day and a low impact day - and have happy knees. Now, a year later, I can go out for a run every day and my knees are as happy as ever with only a little ice every night. So eventually I was able to do my prefered workout 6 days a week, I just had to work up to it

    Think long term. Make a fitness plan that your joints can handle, and listen to your body.
    If you want to workout 6 days a week, see if you can find something to do to get you in the habit of wourkouts, but that your joints can handle - Upperbody weight training, swimming, biking, etc.
    Plan the days when you can push yourself, and maintain on other days. Rest when you need to. Make a new plan when you need to.

    Best workout advice I got was: the BEST fitness plan is the one that you can and will actually do.
    That's a combination of will-power, persistance, and accepting reality.

    You're doing great. I admire your drive! Accept that you can't do it all right now (sometimes rest is what a body needs). Rest today and get back out there tomorrow and next week!! So what if it takes you 40 or even 60 days to get 30 days of the shred workout? That's still totally awesome!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Give yourself a break, one day off isnt going to set you back!!! Just jump backing in tomorrow with something a little less strenuous... like yoga!!! Your body knows when you need a break, learn to listen to it and you will be fine!!! :flowerforyou:
  • If you don't let yourself snack every so often then you'll end up eating everything in sight. Don't be discouraged, everyone has slip ups. Just don't let 1 slip up become 20 or 30 lasting for a long period of time. lol.
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    I just ordered 30day shred yesterday ! I hope the mail lady takes her time getting it to me.~Im a little scared to try it yet.
  • Rest days are fine :smile: I took 2-3 rest days a week when I did the Shred. Be CAREFUL on your knees, remember to keep the knee above the ankle, its very important.
  • smismi
    smismi Posts: 3
    It's my experience that burnout will kill an exercise routine faster than anything else! So if you need a day for yourself, absolutely take one!

    That having been said, however, in January I did the 30 Day Shred straight through, all thirty days. It was hard and had its sucky moments but I lost over 8 inches in just thirty days and had definition in muscles I didn't even know I had. I love that it's only a twenty minute workout so I can generally find the time to squeeze it into my schedule. It's the first exercise program I've had that kind of success with.

    So take a day off, especially if you're feeling any pain, but stick with that 30 Day Shred! I swear by it and you will get results!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I would not recommend doing 30day shed everyday. When using weights or doing the same workout you want to take a rest day in between or do cardio only. Try her Banish Fat Boost Matabolism that is a cardio circuit workout no weights just using your own body weight with shred every other day and wow results are great ;-). I have done and or are doing her DVDs I know them all and love them but you should not do them back to back. Your knees are probably huring because either your form is bad or just getting use to working out again. I have trained many people with bad knees and with bad knees myself and with good form and proper training the muscles will get stronger around the knee joints. Form is so important
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