Already blew today why not eat.....



  • KellyKelzs
    KellyKelzs Posts: 6 Member
    Every bite matters, every time. It's important to make it a good choice. There is no blowing it. Food is not a reward. Food should never be considered a reward. Remove that from your brain. You are eating sugar right now, so you need to balance it out. Make your dinner out protein. Your body is freaking out and actually having a negative response to what your doing to it by eating the sugar. A long time ago you were tricked into thinking that it was a positive so your brain says to hell with it and you give in. Its the secret failure switch of will power. .
  • I heard this once, and it really helped me to change my mindset...
    "If you break an egg, you're not going to throw the other 11 on the ground are you?"

    The point is, you can go over by 100 calories, or you can go over by 1000. It's your choice. Do what you can to make it the right one:)
  • violetsue
    violetsue Posts: 54 Member
    Great perspective by mrsriisky
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Aww man! I thought this was taking about doing blow...