Help-Sweet tooth craving

I am on week three of my clean eating and routine exercising but I'm hitting a no-no block, Candy craving. Anything chocolate, sweet, and oh so bad for me. So help!? what is a good substitute for me to eat when this craving hits? Thanks!


  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I don't deprive myself of sweets. If I want them I just have them in moderation. I like to keep dove dark chocolates in the house. When i crave sweets I have one or two pieces. They are only 43 calories each. Its when you completely deprive yourself that you tend to dive in and go over board and pig out on things. If you allow yourself to have some once in awhile you're less likely to eat the entire bag. At least thats what works for me.

    You could also try those 90 calorie fiber one bars. You get the sweets you crave plus fiber. You don't want to eat more than one a day or else you'll be a very lonely person because of all of the gas you'll be giving off lol. :blushing: So that's a good incentive to keep you from over eating those. :laugh:
  • Mitchellcm
    Mitchellcm Posts: 43 Member
    I agree with not totally depriving myself. If you want something sweet, have something sweet, just not a chocolate bar or a a pint of ice cream. Try having something like a piece of dark chocolate. I also just came across a recipe for chocolate chia seed pudding which sounded delicious. Maybe try making something yourself, at least that way you can make it as 'clean' as possible!
  • CSugaSuga
    CSugaSuga Posts: 6
    My weakness is ice cream...but now I love the Yoplait Raspberry Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars. Low Fat and 80 cals.
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    I am not sure if your local market carries Skinny Cow brand, but it's amazing if you are having chocolate cravings. They have Skinny Cow ice cream as well as little packets of different chocolates. I am not a chocolate person myself, however I do enjoy (maybe overly enjoy) their ice cream. They are mini one serving containers with anywhere from 100 to 150 cals in it :)
  • egnirysbust
    egnirysbust Posts: 27 Member
    I've been eating fat free yogurt with honey and cinnamon lately; that's helped immensely.
  • sheyleigh94
    sheyleigh94 Posts: 9 Member
    All these are great. Thank you Ladies. i will look into skinny cow. Cause i like chocolate and ice cream. yikes! :wink:
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Mmmmmmm!!!! Skinny Cow Fudge ice cream bars-they're large ! For only 110 calories and very satisfying.