Trying not to get upset...

Hey everyone! I just need a moment to vent about what's going on for me with myfitness pal...

I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now, and at first I was loving it. I had been using WeightWatchers with no results for months, and felt like I was hitting a wall. I decided to try out MFP, and felt like it was more up my alley. Here's a little more about my history:

I've had weight problems my whole life, but dropped 40 pounds in high school thanks to the South Beach Diet. I eventually dropped down to about 124lbs, but gained 20 of pounds in college. Again, dropped down steadily to around 122lbs, but went back up to 128 post-college. Last summer I gained 3lbs during a vacation (no big deal, I know), but couldn't drop the weight once I got home. Then about 3 months ago I gained 8 pounds seemingly overnight (really, it was about 2.5 weeks). The only change in my routine had been starting bikram yoga 3 days a week. The weight gain stopped, but now I've gained another 2 pounds this week alone.

I'm incredibly frustrated. I know for sure that I don't eat enough calories to gain this much weight in such a short period of time. My job requires me stand/walk for 8 hours a day, I'm still practicing bikram yoga 3 days a week as well. I had my thyroid checked out about 2 months ago, and my doctor said everything was normal. I may not have the best diet nutrition-wise (I'm a poor artist living in NYC), but I feel like it can't have caused such a massive weight gain. It just all seems unstoppable, and I feel like there's nothing I can do but sit back and continue to blow up. Sorry for the whining, but I'm at my wits' end.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Are you logging everything you eat?
  • lcransaw
    lcransaw Posts: 95
    Monitor your sodium intake. When I cut out processed and high sodium foods I started losing.
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    Two pounds is not much more than daily weight fluctuations. You may have gained two pounds, or you may not have. I wouldn't worry yet. Give it more time.
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    WHat is your calorie intake? what is your exercise like?
  • Monitor your sodium intake. When I cut out processed and high sodium foods I started losing.

  • I'm definitely logging everything I eat. I'll try to watch my sodium intake a little more though and see if that helps! I'm also meeting with an endocrinologist tomorrow, so maybe he might have some answers regarding diet and whatnot as well. Thanks for the fast feedback everyone! :smile: