weightogojen Posts: 18
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
Does anyone else struggle with PCOS? I was told its harder to lose weight with this, I was curious if losing the weight helps to conceive? I have looked it up but heard so many different things.


  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    yes it does, I dont ovulate at all if I am over a size 18, try a low GI style diet/lifestyle this works the best with PCOS
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    There are a lot of women on here with PCOS. It is more difficult but definitely possible. Just don't get down when you hear people losing 5 lbs a week and you lose 1.5. You are still losing. I have PCOS and I find that I cannot lose weight without taking Metformin (I am insulin resistant with the PCOS) and getting regular exercise. If I watch what I eat without exercise I can usually maintain but with no loss.

    Losing weight definitely does help to ovulate. Your chances continue to increase with the more weight you lose. I am on a weight loss journey and also taking infertility meds to conceive. If you are interested in conceiving there is a group called Fit for Future Families that is great. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/107503-fit-for-future-families

    Good luck on your journey! If you need more support feel free to add me.
  • jalovec
    jalovec Posts: 62
    Losing weight helped me to get pregnant, as did regular exercise (5 hours per week). This website has some good information:
    Good luck!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Sorry to hear that.:heart: PCOS is no picnic. Losing weight will help your chances of ovulation which of course helps with the chances to conceive. Have you been diagnosed with PCOS? Quite often a woman will have something else going along with he PCOS (one of those illnesses that creates others). Birth control pills is a common way to treat PCOS, but if you are TTC there are a variety of meds that will help force ovulation. Metformin, clomid, ect. I wish you the best of luck.:heart:
  • angrypanda
    angrypanda Posts: 20 Member
    I think the answer to this is pretty vague because there are lots of circumstances for each individual that affect the outcome. I've come to find that there is no one straight answer for anyone with PCOS.

    My doctor told me that the purpose of losing weight was basically to assure I have more regular cycles because that will make ovulation more likely. For me, however, that didn't really make much sense because I have never, in my life, had very "regular" cycles--regardless of my weight. I've found that in my later adult years, "regular" for me consisted of every 6 weeks. And although my doctor knew that, she still told me that either going on birth control to help regulate my cycle or losing weight to help regulate my cycle would be my best options to conceive.

    That said, each person with PCOS is very different. I don't have any of the symptoms except for occasional irregular bleeding, and several cysts in my ovaries. I do have to work pretty hard to lose weight. For those reasons, I'm sure that my PCOS is a very "mild".

    My doctor also told me back in mid-July that I do not ovulate and would not be able to conceive without some sort of "help" (not really sure where this came from since I do have somewhat regular cycles). I don't know why she told me this...because here I am, a month later, and I just got two positives on two different home pregnancy tests.
  • I have PCOS too - horrid weight all centered around my stomach - eurgh! Everywhere else I am pretty toned.

    I tried to loose the size (I never say weight, because I am heavy with muscle and boob!! lol!) with regular exercise and diet, but found it so hard. I am now on Metformin 2xdaily. Plays havoc with your stomach but is worth it. You see results and helps with the size loss! You should ask your doctor about it (I sound like a TV ad!!) It will make your cycles more regular too - I am every 4-5 weeks. I use 'period tracker' on my iPod touch - FANTASTIC APP!! It helps me understand my cycles much better. I do not take the pill.

    Loosing weight will always help you conceive better. And make you less likely to have the diabetes issue :(

    Good luck!
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    Yes i have it and it does make losing weight harder...I have lost 20 lbs but its taken me since April. And also a friend of mine has it and tried getting pregnant for 3 years and finally lost 40 lbs and was pregnant in no time!!! Good luck! I had trouble getting pregnant with my 2nd and used the clear blue fertility monitor...worked like a charm. After trying for 9 months I decided to get it and it took 2 months from that point! Good luck!!
  • wow I didn't realize so many people struggled with it...Thank you for all the good info and website its very helpful! It does get frustrating but I know I will lose the weight in time...
  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    they say one in ten women suffer x
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