Fuel - Race for Life - Help please

Fuzz_bomb Posts: 10 Member
Hi all,

On sunday I am running well actually more like jogging/walking the 5K race for life at 11am but am unsure what to eat for breakfast at about 7.30am?

I've read somewhere you should stick to your normal routine, however normally i just 'get up and go' about 6am and eat & drink after I get back. I usually drink water and chocolate milk when I get back and have breakfast around 7.30am. This usually consists of either a fruit smoothie or scrambled egg and a black coffee as im trying to cut the carbs a little.

I read oatmeal is good is that the same as porridge? and then maybe a bananna an hour before?

Just a few more questions:

Im planning to drink lots of water the day before but do I need to drink water in the morning before hand, if yes how long before race do I stop to avoid stich etc?

I dont plan to take water with me on route as this is what I normally do (as it gives me a stich) but plan to drink plenty after. Is this ok or is it adviasble to take water with me?

If I get a stich any advise on best way to 'get thru it'?

Any advise on breathing? I struggle with in thru the nose and out thru the mouth, I find I use my mouth.

Any other tips would be greatly appreciated, in case you have not already guessed - im new to this!

I know its only meant to be a bit of fun but I have come from doing no exercise to this (and love it!) so ideally and would mean so much to me if I completed the race in 30 minutes tho dont think thats possible as currently my best time is 31:21. My training has been delayed due to severe sciatica :(


  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    Have some porridge (yes its the same as oatmeal) or some toast or a banana or something simple before you go, you don't need to drink any extra water before you go, if you usually drink water after then why change your routine now? I presume you have been training and you know what your usual routine is for hydrating etc.

    Breathing again, do whats best for you, there are no rules as long as you keep breathing you'll be fine.

    There really are no tips, if you have been training for this then you'll have no problem in finishing it, at the end of the day it IS a bit of fun, dont be disheartened if you dont finish in under 30 minutes, no matter how good your time is usually you're not usually stuck behind loads of other women who dont run at the same pace as you.

    If you look on the RFL website there are loads of hints and tips.

    Good luck!
  • Fuzz_bomb
    Fuzz_bomb Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you :)