C25K Friends

jbeanv Posts: 32 Member
Hi - I'm on week 1 day 3 of couch to 5k and would love to friend some people in the program. Feel free to add me!

Even if you're not in the program and are looking for friends you can add me too :-)


  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey! I'm doing c25k too. I'll add you.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I'm doing C25K also. Feel free to add me.
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    I'm on week 1 also! I'm doing it with my 3 kids ages 15 to 5. :D We registered for the Color Run in Raleigh and even booked our hotel... so there's absolutely no backing out for me! Feel free to add me as well! :D
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    I'm doing C25K also, I just did W6D1 this morning, add me if you would like.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I am doing one. I am on week two day two. Who knew the difference from running one minute to one and half minutes was so big. As i was running last night I thought " there is no way I can run a 5km straight" but then I reminded myself that, that is why I am doing the training so I will get there, but boy, sometimes it is tough. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • snowwhite0805
    snowwhite0805 Posts: 6 Member
    I am on a remedial week 2....I have done week 2 once but when I try to do week 3 I am just not ready.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    Hi - I finished week 6 yesterday. Bring on week 7 tomorrow :)
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    I'm on Week 2 Day 3 tomorrow. Hit me up if you want.
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    I am on a remedial week 2....I have done week 2 once but when I try to do week 3 I am just not ready.

    Girl, take your time!! It is not a race to the finish!!
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I'm getting ready for my 5k @ the end of next month. I'm alternating pavement and treadmill every other day for 4 miles. IMO, the treadmill is much easier. lol Working up my duration from walking less to jogging more on the workouts. One minute on the pavement seems like forever compared to the treadmill!!! lol

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • What is this little treat? Sounds like something I could try, however with Zumba, insanity and hip hop abs I might just OD :ohwell:
  • Nanalleen
    Nanalleen Posts: 8 Member
    Just finished Week 2 Day 2 this morning. I reached this point once before but went back and started over. Feel better this time, I definitely feel it is a mind set. When my alarm goes off at 5 am, I argue with myself if I am going or not. Always glad when I do
  • newmanel
    newmanel Posts: 61 Member
    Hey everyone, C25k graduate here. You guys can do this -- don't give up even when it's awful. There will indeed be those moments. But the pride I felt when I finished was unlike anything else, and for that it was all worth it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    There is a group for that!


    Very supportive and motivational. I just finished W7D1 yesterday!
  • I'm starting week 4 tomorrow and have never been a runner and don't necessarily think I will but have noticed I don't hate C25K. Signed up for Color Run in Sept.
  • smullins4
    smullins4 Posts: 3
    Hey everyone
    Just signed up with my fitness pal and C25K yesterday. 1st day on run was great and then walked back home on the beach about 45 min. Use to be a runner many moons ago , lots of 10 and 15 K and even one marathon---ha a LONG time ago- 98-. Felt great to run ...or actually to slug along! It's a start.....sore quads today! Off to ride the bike! Would love to be friends with anyone here to offer support. Need to look at how to download C25K to i pod or phone...music helps! Good evening to all!
    ps..We can bust up this bad boy! Bring on the 5 K. Looked them up in my area and gonna register for 9/28 if up through week two goes well!
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi there! I just started week 1 day 1 today! My first 5k is September 15th. I use the Zombies Run app - it was $1.99 in the iTunes store last week. I need to find some music that works for me, though. I found your post because I'm looking for playlists that are pretty upbeat but not interval based because the app takes care of the prompting for me. Friend me if you'd like!
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Just started C25K yesterday. I'd love more friends who are also doing the program!
    I never thought I could be a runner - but maybe C25K will change that for me!
  • samonmission
    samonmission Posts: 62 Member
    Hi I just started C25K as well. Today I finished Week 1 Day 3

    Would like to be friend too...
  • uwsmama
    uwsmama Posts: 31 Member
    I just finished W2D3. I have 2 very small children and a dh that works long hours so the only time I can do it is by getting up at 5am. I know I will need the support of this group to keep me going. It's so for me to get up that early! Great work everyone and please add me as a friend.