Just cannot do it!



  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    You do understand that even with the surgery, you'll have to change your habits, right? The surgery isn't an automatic success.

    Thats exactly what I would tell my sister everytime she mentioned the lap band procedure. You still have to know how to eat because in the long run you WILL gain the weight back if you dont change your habits.
  • RosemaryEBrown
    RosemaryEBrown Posts: 12 Member
    Yes you can do it. Maybe right now you can't do the whole thing, but pick something you can do and DO IT. Maybe get out and take a walk every day. Maybe just log onto MFP and writing down everything you eat each day. Having to write down that I inhaled a bag of chocolate chip cookies might just be enough to stop me!! Success breeds success. Get one thing down and add the next step. You'll get back. I'm sure of it.
  • rosiecbolton
    rosiecbolton Posts: 85 Member
    Still on track today apart from 2 polo mints and 2 crisps (not bags of crisps, just 2 individual ones)
  • cindagrif
    cindagrif Posts: 60 Member
    Emotional eating is a hard habit to break, but don't give up. Try to eat some fruits you love, instead of the salty and chocolate things.
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Don't give up!! Please!! You have so much potential and you can do anything you set your mind to. Be positive, work hard, and you WILL see results =)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have had a horrible experience with a despicable law firm which have made my life a misery. I run a micro contract cleaning firm and they have been a nightmare and will probably not cough up their last bill of £700 (just over 1000 usd). They have told me that if I go to the small claims court they will counter sue as once all the lawyers were having a meeting and I needed to get a note to one of them so I opened up an accountants notebook to tear out a page and write a note (foolish I know with hindsight). They are now saying I was deliberately trying to steal confidential information even though I have no accountancy qualifications and so would not have understood anything I read anyway. It has really got me down.

    I can understand being down about this. But surely you know that overeating will not solve or change that problem. It will just create another problem that you'll have to deal with. Maybe try an exercise routine like kickboxing and imagine the bag is one of those lawyers. Or that you are running away from those problems. Channel your frustration in a postiive manner.
  • brutalrage
    brutalrage Posts: 34 Member
    I totally understand about depression and trying to find comfort in eating the pain away. I have suffered from mild to severe depression for most of my life and gain considerable weight at my worse. I've always bounced back and forth with the gym and cleaning up my diet as well and at time it can seem over whelming.

    I have only recently return to the gym after month of being away and noticing the weight I gained while being away. For me I record what times I am eating, what I am doing at the time and how I am feeling at the time. Recording all that makes me aware if I am emotionally eating or eating out of boredom and has helped me get back on track. It may help you as well.

    Working out and other types of exercise is a great way of helping with depression and stress. I know it is helping me deal with working a temp job that I don't overly enjoy and only working since I need the money. Recording my feelings also made me realized the job itself was getting me depressed since I am simply bored at work. I've also started taking my gym bag with me to work and leaving it in my car. On the way home it helps me get to the gym on the hard days since I already have the bag with me so why not go to the gym for a few minutes which have turned out to be full workouts.

    Surgery is not always the right solutions. Changing your prospective on life can help a great deal as well.

    You realized there is a problem and figuring out there is problem is the first step in solving it. Remember your not the only one struggling and there are people here that will support you.