Workout Boredom



  • Find something you like. Like you I had a gym membership for years and I would go sporadically then I'd get bored and I would stop going. I've tried yoga, kickboxing, running groups, biking groups but nothing stuck. I eventually got bored with all of it. Six months ago a friend suggested I try Crossfit because the workouts are so varied and I was hooked from the intro class. if you're easily bored maybe find a similar program. I've been at it for six months and I have yet to repeat a work out (WOD in Crossfit speak). I also haven't missed a class and try to make it to the open gyms every Saturday.

    First time in my life I actually look forward to a 5:00am class, not only that but I've only missed one class and that was because I was ill as soon as I was better I went to an extra class to make up my missed class. Point being is try different things till you hit on the thing that you love and miss when you can't do. I for one do not enjoy the gym environment but the Box environment really does it for me.
  • CBolliger
    CBolliger Posts: 15
    Good suggestion, I have yet to try Cross Fit, thanks!
  • CBolliger
    CBolliger Posts: 15
    Why are you still reading this? Go on...your body and goals are waiting.

    Ha! True fact, alas I am at work, so for now I am just going to have to read it and wait
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    I'm going to suggest you spend some time thinking about what it is you want to accomplish. Working out just for the sake of working out is going to get old in a hurry. Do you have a weight-loss goal? A fat-loss goal? Trying to gain strength? Trying to be a faster runner/cyclist or train for a race? Figure out what you want to do, and then research the most effective ways to get there for YOU, based on your lifestyle, your schedule, etc.

    Motivation comes from the desire to achieve a goal. If you don't have a goal, you're not going to achieve anything but some calorie burns.

    Yeah this.

    And make sure your goals are truly relevant to you. Dropping lbs ocould never be incentive enough to make me workout regularly. On a deeper level than short term goals, I also had to dig deep to figure out why working out should be important enough to me to incorporate it into my lifestyle.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    My motivation started long ago. Back in college I would run in the summer to get in shape for the next baseball season and one year there was a little boy in a wheelchair in the neighborhood who always would sit out exactly the time when I would run and cheer me on and wave. There were many days when it was 99 degrees outside with high humidity where i didnt feel like running, but I knew he would be there and waiting for me and disappointed if I didnt show. I can only imagine how he would have loved to have the ability to run like that. :( So he was my motivation and I carry that with me even today. I know there are lots out there that would trade places in a minute with more able that serves to motivate me every day. Even when I dont feel like it, I exercise for those who cant!