I've forgotten how to run!!!

I've messed up!!!!

I did a 10km run on 26th May and it went horribly. My training had gone really well and I was hoping to improve on my previous time of 01:02:16. Unfortunately, I hadn't anticipated it being so hot and by the time I got to 8km I was done for! I had to stop and walk a little bit and for me, once I've stopped once it's pretty much game over!!

As a result, I lost my confidence a bit and last Sunday was the first time I could face going out since. Again, it was quite warm and I managed 4km (I was aiming for 5) before throwing in the towel.

The problem is I am signed up to do another 10km run on July 14th and I'm wondering if I should even bother! I've got an exam on the 4th so the majority of my time is being taken up with revision for that at the mo. Have I got time to get to where I need to be to make my next 10km run worthwhile???


  • tresmond
    tresmond Posts: 1
    Dont give up........running should be enjoyable, and you are putting to much pressure on yourself.

    Why don't you have a break from your revision and have a nice run, whatever the distance...clear your head!!

    Don;t worry about the 10km...completion is the key. try and go running 2 to 3 times a week and keep pushing that distance, even if you walk and by July you should be fine.

    If it's hot take water with you and wear a cap.

    Maybe after your exams join your local running club, then you are not running on your own and it's more dun.

    Good luck.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    You haven't forgotten how to run. You took a month off and lost a significant amount of fitness.

    If you want to improve you have to be consistent.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    I totally know where you're coming from!

    I completed a half marathon last summer but it wasn't without enduring multiple sprained ankles, back aches, IT Pain and shin splints.

    About 6 months ago I was advised by several seasoned runner friends that I needed to change my running form. I did and it was like starting all over again. I could barely do a mile without being in pain because I was using new muscles, etc. I had another ankle injury.... Needless to say I was in a slump.

    Scottb81 is sooooooo right. I kept at it and out of a whim I decided to run another half marathon this past weekend. Even though the longest distance since my injuries and my slump was 5 miles. Guess what? I finished it!!! I didn't think it was possible....I was going to do with the mindset that I would do as much as I could and walk the rest. Well tell you what? I ran a total of 9....then ran/walked the rest of the way. Let me tell you....the MIND is a powerful thing. It took me longer to finish this year than last because it was hotter than hell...but it felt great to finish.

    I say run the race....don't quit...you're body never forgets how to run. :) you'll thank yourself for making that effort!!! :bigsmile:
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I don't know how fast you need to be for you to consider your run worthwhile so I can't address that part.

    What I will say is that if you are anything like me, some exercise breaks will boost your concentration levels and give your brain a much needed rest from studying, so it might help your exam performance if you keep training.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Keep at it ~ it will all come back to you :)

    I went through something very similar...I ran daily but, took a break from it when I had my son. Now I wish I never stopped but, at the time it seemed like a good idea. It took me a couple of mths to get my stride back but, once I got it back it was the BEST feeling.

    Think positive and you will be just fine :)
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Don't get discouraged. You had a bad run. Everyone has bad days. Last fall I PRd on a half, did another one 2 weeks later and had my worst half ever. I hadn't been feeling well for a few days before the second race and was having worse than normal female cramps. I ended up walking most of the race because every time I ran the pain and cramps in my stomach would greatly increase in severity. I still finshed and that is what counts.

    You need to learn how to shake off the bad days and focus on the next one.

    And it can take a while to get acclimated to the summer heat. But I have gotten a lot of fall PRs by pushing through those hot summer runs that can be absolutely miserable.
  • sastrodder
    sastrodder Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you all - you were right. I just needed to chill out and get over myself!!!

    I just go thome from work, put in a couple of hours revision and then took myself off for a run. I changed my music and I set my endomondo so that it ddn't tell me how far I had ran until I was ready to stop.

    I did 6km with no stops so I'm really pleased. I only set out to do 4 or 5, and I felt like I could've done more - I only came back in because I didn't want to miss How I Met Your Mother!!!!!!