New to MFP looking for friends with similar situations :)

Hey All!! I`m 24 with 2 kids - ages 6 and 10- I have 57lb to lose
I work hard and am ready to get fit FOR ME! Would love to meet ppl on here so we can help motivate each other.

Good luck everyone!!


    MEZAE Posts: 19
    Hey there, i started MFP last wed. I am a 31 year old mother of 2.A 7 year old and a 5 year old. My goal is to get to 150 . I have lost 6 pounds scince i started & have 41 more to go. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • MaJacobs75
    MaJacobs75 Posts: 26
    I would love to be your motivation pal! I'm in need of looking for those who are working as hard as I am to lose some weight! Together we can strive for our goals, and have fun doing it!