Im embarressed of myself.

Hi everyone im new on here .... i am only 20 years old but i am in the worst shape i have ever been in my life. i have been slowly gaining weight since i was 16. i have a 8 month old son and during the pregnancy i gained about 45lbs and gained even more after he was born. i just dont know what to do i always start off so motivated and end up giving up after a few months. This weight has really changed me i dont have any energy im always thinking about food.... i think i really have a problem..... i eat all day long when im not at work....when im bored i eat and i usually dont stop untill i feel sick..... i lay around in bed all day and watch tv.... iknow what im doing is wrong but i always make excuses of why i cant do something. i really need help..... i ordered the zumba DVD set because i really liked zumba on my last diet..... im waiting for it in the mail now...... as usual i am very excited and motivated....but im afraid i will loose motivation like before.

anyways heres my stats....
age :20
height: 5'9"
weight: 250 ( i cant believe i have let myself get this big :/ )

any tips would be appreciated ....:smile:


  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Im same height and was at that weight, and now at 200
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I find that when I'm trying to get over the "i eat all the time" stuff, it is best for me to set specific "snack times". I have breakfast at 9am, I have lunch at 1, but I have a healthy (logged!) snack at 11, and at 3:30. That way if I want food before my time, I can say "Are you actually hungry, or just thinking about food?" If I'm not tummy-grumbling hungry, I wait.

    Also, even though I could "safely" lose 2lbs a week, I have MFP set to 1 pound a week so I'm still getting 1500 calories a day because 1200 was too hard for me and I'd give up. I haven't felt deprived at all these last two weeks since I got back on the wagon.
  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    Hello and welcome. We are almost in the same boat. I've been on MFP for about 6 weeks. Sadly, I've only lost 3 lbs since I'm still trying to get the hang of it, especially diet wise. I am 23, 5'11 and 220lbs. I have a 2 year old. I was 186 pre-pregnancy, 216 post pregnancy and then went up from there. I had no energy and used to eat fast food almost daily if not more. I never exercised and just sat around.

    Since MFP, I have gained a wonderful support group. I have also reduced going out to about once every 2 weeks. If I do go out, I plan my meals to make sure it goes below my calories and such for the day. I am doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (it can be found for free via youtube or google search). I have also almost completely eliminated my caffeine/soda intake when I used to drink 0 water and 5 cans of Diet whatever a day.

    So here's what I say. You're honest and obviously unhappy. I would get a great support group around you. Next, I would just start logging every single day. I don't own a food scale, but I hear it's very recommended. I just use measuring cups. Make sure to get a feel for what you're currently eating. After that, start logging exercise. I highly suggest a workout DVD or something that you can do 5 times a week. Many of the DVDs popular and recommended on here are ones that only take a half an hour a day. Lastly, take measurements. I have only lost 3 pounds, but have lost inches. Read as much from the forums as you can. And I'm sure you'll be a success.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Don't be embarrassed. Everybody has something in their life they want to change. Only be embarrassed if you give up!

    A simple way to get started is to make sure you add your infomation into MFP correctly. A common mistake newcomers make is to underestimate their daily activity level and therefore not set their calories high enough. Since you are a living, breathing human being chasing after an 8 month old, I'd say your activity level is at least lightly active, definitely not sedentary.

    Log any exercise you do into MFP. That will alot you more calories to consume, which you should eat!
    For example:
    Your calorie goal is 1700. You burn 300 doing Zumba. By the end of the day, you'll have eaten 2000 calories (your goal plus calories burned)

    Make sustainable changes. Don't try to run 6 miles a day, give up soda, carbs, and sugar all in one day. Go slowly.

    Remember, it's going to be a lot of work. There are gonna be days you hate life, MFP, and anything fitness related. Keep going!! You can do it :smile:
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I also disgusted myself. That was part of the wake up call. Don't look back!
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    It's hard to adjust to a new life and routine with a new baby, those first few months when it's just feeding and changing and all revolving around the little one ...

    You need to get off your butt, away from that tv and the temptation in the kitchen and get walking! Start taking your baby boy out in the fresh air and pushing that pram and you'll be amazed how it brightens your mood and helps to get you going again in a more positive frame of mind. The little fella is going to be pretty active soon and need a lot more stimulation - and you're going to be using plenty of energy keeping up!

    Enjoy being a mum, start being more active in your daily routine, make healthy food choices (I agree with setting times for snacks, I find that helps me exercise some self control and feel good I waited instead of grazing!) good luck! And enjoy, they grow up so fast, don't miss out because of lazy habits!
  • melanielmartinez56
    melanielmartinez56 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks everyone yeah looking in the mirror naked seeing my belly hang over really grossed me out and gave me a big wakeup call...... i am motivated .... i really want to be able to look good when i get dressed the hard part is staying motivated....oh i also had a c section and am now n mirena...dont know if that affects my weight loss..... im ready for this long road ahead..... i was doing really good in a gym i lost 20 lbs in 2 months but i could not afford th 40$ a month membership fee....
  • melanielmartinez56
    melanielmartinez56 Posts: 10 Member
    how did you get the weight off?
  • melanielmartinez56
    melanielmartinez56 Posts: 10 Member
    how did you get the weight off any tips?
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    I've had the coil for the last 18 years (with regular changes of course) it has never affected my weight one bit. You don't need a gym membership - you need to get busy! Cleaning, walking, running errands ... do your exercise videos, a little stretching and ab work, don't make it hard on yourself or a chore, just set yourself tasks to do each day that involve some form of exercise. And weight all of your food and count every crumb!
  • melanielmartinez56
    melanielmartinez56 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks for the advice i like the way you think.... thats what i need somebody to tell me strait so i can stop making excuses!
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    how did you get the weight off any tips?

    I'm 49, my kids are grown and I have a 18 month old grandson :) I got my baby weight off by breast feeding and being busy and eating healthily (I remember being RAVENOUS so I ate a lot! Because my body needed it! ) once I stopped feeding I ate less and my routine was hectic. These days I think women are in too much of a rush to drop baby weight - the body has been through a massive change, it needs to be allowed time to adjust and it needs care and attention, healthy food is the best you can give yourself (and gets you into good practice for weaning your baby on the good foods too) :)
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Congratulations you have already taken the first step by deciding to make a change and reaching out to a community of people who are here to do the same thing !!! There are so many kind people on MFP and they are very helpful and motivational. Set goals small ones that are not unrealistic, baby steps!!! you can do it
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    Options is great for workouts and motivation, you should check it out! all of the videos are on youtube, and she's extremely active on fb, twitter, all those types of places. also, she puts out a great calendar every month (and just put one out for beginners) outlining training for each day and different recipes to check out, all that kind of stuff. i think it might just be the kind of thing you'd really enjoy. :smile:
  • certifiedsooner
    certifiedsooner Posts: 10 Member
    You made the first move! Add me for support.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    Feel free to add me! We can all motivate each other. :)
  • sypop
    sypop Posts: 102 Member
    what helps me the most is having friends doing the same thing! add me if you need a buddy!
    age 25
    sw 247
    cw 239
    gw 150
    also i love mfp because i never feel starved or deprived! good luck!
  • MooseKnuckle5
    Drink water, water, and oh yeah some more water. Cravings typically last for 15 minutes so if you get a sudden craving, drink a full glass of water, wait 15 minutes and see if you're still hungry. As for the workouts, that's all mental. You have to want to improve yourself. You made the correct first step by admitting it and buying some workout dvds, now just put it in motion!
  • mdamronjr
    mdamronjr Posts: 4
    The 2 minutes of eating isn't worth ruining your body. Do you want to look good, or do you want to eat yourself further in to obesity? It helped me to get down to what it really is - you have no self control. Sugar coating it or continuing what you are doing isn't going to work. There isn't some sort of magic trick that makes people lose weight, put the fork down and work out.
  • CoozyRoo
    CoozyRoo Posts: 82 Member
    I have a 9mo from a repeat c section. The lovely mother's apron needs to go. I love the advice the other's have given, the only think I can think to add is log log log, even if you have a bad day or a cheat meal, log it. Seeing it for me was really helpful. Best of luck and add me up if you'd like.