Can someone drag me to the gym !!!!!!!

Any ideas / pep talks to get me to the gym? yeah yeah I know only I can do it but ...... I nearly cancelled it as not been for a few months, persuaded partner to join so we can go together ...... we both not been yet - he works late!

I've tried getting my gym clothes on in the morning .... but I just keep having one more cuppa, one more house job and then don't go.

I've tried packing bag into car to go on way back from work .... but I drive past, telling myself I'm tired and I'll go tomorrow.

I've made a playlist for gym on my ipod .... armband arriving tomorrow to make it easy to wear. Off work tomorrow until 9pm, maybe I'll go when armband arrives !!!!????

Quick run down - I'm not fit, need to lose about 50lbs, want to be able to hillwalk again, recently did 13 mile marathon walk but now unfit again, work shifts full time, no kids, no excuses.

Any ideas?


  • Looby47
    Looby47 Posts: 43 Member
    One more thing .... it's only 3 miles away so why don't I go !!!!??????
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    At some point you will either decide to go or you will not. No one here is going to drag you there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    It ain't gonna matter if you don't WANT to go. Why you don't want to go is what you have to figure out for yourself.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    No point in dragging you there. You'd just spend 10 minutes trying to decide what to do then go home.

    Clearly you don't really want to go. So don't.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    It took me getting to 560 lbs. and pretty much trap in my own home for over 2 years before I had that get busy living or get busy dying moment but up until that point people could talk to me til they was blue in the face and I would pretty much tell them to take a hike... Until it became my idea, my decision, my will to do something about it there was nothing anyone could say to motivate me... At some point you have to want it bad enough for yourself...... Best of Luck....
  • SJoSid
    SJoSid Posts: 9
    I had the same problem for a long time. Try wearing your workout clothes to bed and put your shoes right next to your bed. Go as soon as you wake up! The longer you wait, the more time you have to make excuses... Remember that working out gives you an energy boost so don't let being tired stop you anymore! Is there anyone you know who's a member at the same gym? Finding a workout buddy (even a friend on MFP) will help drag you out. Good luck and don't give up! We all (or at least most of us) have been where you are. :wink:
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    spend the extra money for a few sessions with a personal trainer...if you have a prepaid "appointment" with the will go!!!!!
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    WOW, 315 that's amazing. I took a look at your pics. Great job! I love hearing stories like this, helps to keep reminding me it truly is possible.
    It took me getting to 560 lbs. and pretty much trap in my own home for over 2 years before I had that get busy living or get busy dying moment but up until that point people could talk to me til they was blue in the face and I would pretty much tell them to take a hike... Until it became my idea, my decision, my will to do something about it there was nothing anyone could say to motivate me... At some point you have to want it bad enough for yourself...... Best of Luck....
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    I think you are over thinking it..thinking your way out of it. Need to get everything ready ahead and just go without really thinking about that is what your doing till you are in the door. Works for me sometimes anyhow.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    You've made great points as to why you should go, give it a try and find something there that you enjoy a lot and stick to that. I personally love the free weights and spend time with them each time. That way I can focus on one muscle or group of muscles. I wish you the best of luck.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sorry no. Dragging you implies you don't want to do it so that means even if it happened, you might still not do anything. Just do it or don't. If you want something bad enough, you'll just do it.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    Sorry no. Dragging you implies you don't want to do it so that means even if it happened, you might still not do anything. Just do it or don't. If you want something bad enough, you'll just do it.


    Treat it the way you would treat a work appointment. you wouldnt blow off going to a big meeting at work because your job depends on it. in this case, your health depends on it. make yourself a priority.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Sorry no. Dragging you implies you don't want to do it so that means even if it happened, you might still not do anything. Just do it or don't. If you want something bad enough, you'll just do it.


    And if you have to be dragged you likely won't put in a decent effort.

    Have you considered other options for exercise? You don't HAVE to go to the gym. Perhaps if it is something that is fun/interesting to you it will be less like being dragged.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    It's apparent that you don't like going to the gym. Cancel your membership and find a physical activity you enjoy going to.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Work out at home?
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    if you want it bad enough?

  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    if external motivators aren't working for you, develop an internal one. i have dragged my cute butt to the gym both times this week when i didn't want to go (TOM) but i ALWAYS feel better afterwards, and am happy i went. i'm sure i'll feel just as drowsy tomorrow for my set workout, but i am committed, and i am going.

    self-discipline, develop it!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I think you are over thinking it..thinking your way out of it. Need to get everything ready ahead and just go without really thinking about that is what your doing till you are in the door. Works for me sometimes anyhow.

    also this. just get in your car, are you gonna be the silly person sitting in their car not going anywhere, or are you driving to the gym?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Going to the gym is a treat for me. I want it so bad all day its all I can think about.
    You don't want it, I won't drag you, unless its as some sort of resistance training.