A Newbie here, and any tips on Water Weight?

Hi, I'm Foamfish!

I'm new here, and wondering if anyone can give me tips to reduce the water weight in my calves and thighs? It's a really big nuisance, as not only is it uncomfortable, sometimes it can get really painful, as during the summer I can gain up to six pounds in water weight -per day!- easily.


  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    Reduce your sodium? Or at least keep it consistent. Typically it's fluctuations in sodium that can lead to uptake of water storage.

    Sounds counter productive, but drink more water as well. The more water you drink the less your body holds onto.
  • Foamfish
    Foamfish Posts: 3
    Thanks for answering. c: For the past month I've been trying to drink more water. Before I simply just didn't feel thirsty, so I barely drank more than two glasses a day, and now I'm trying to up it to around six, just drinking water whenever I think I might need it really, especially with summer coming up.

    It has also made me watch sodium too, thank you!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Ditto regarding sodium. Chart your food intake. You'll be shocked at the amount of sodium in food especially anything in a restaurant or anything processed in bags, boxes and shrink wrap plastic.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    DO NOT EAT OUT. I always gain water weight when I eat out. They put salt and MSG in EVERYTHING! Plus - it saves money and calories. Drinking 64 ounces of water a day helps (drink one 16 ounce glass or bottle when you get out of bed, one before each meal, and you are done!) and exercise for 1/2 hour to an hour daily. Good luck!
  • Foamfish
    Foamfish Posts: 3
    Thanks for the replies you guys! I can't get to the gym every day, but when I do I stay for an hour, usually doing a good run on the elliptical.