Today is a 3-yellow pill day!!

So I take clonazepam for anxiety - no big secret. Today the minute I got to work it was stressful. So I came home at lunch and took one "just in case." I haven't turned to eating though which is what I would have done in the past. I'm just ready for 4:00 to come when I'm done with work!! Vent OVER!!


  • sissytx
    sissytx Posts: 50
    Good job not turning to food. That is hard though for me. When I am stressed or down i just want to eat. Good Job!!!!

    Hope 4 comes fast for you :smile:
  • kara2
    kara2 Posts: 83 Member
    Good luck. I too take meds for anxiety. I hope it gets better. Congrats on your weight loss and not turning to food when it gets stressful.