Nearing goal weight- Have your goals changed?

My goal weight used to be 140lb, (I'm 5'6.5... I did think I was 5'7 at the time) but now that I'm getting closer to my goal weight I have decided to lower my goal weight and try and push my body further fitness wise. If I don't lose loads more weight- I'd at least like to see a change in terms of strength, physique and measurements.
Has anyone else found that their goals have changed from starting your journey? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I don't want to put too much pressure on myself and start having non-realistic goals but I'm starting to think if I have come this far then why not go further.
In light of this, does anyone have tips on staying motivated and being able to keep losing weight and getting better when you're lighter?


  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Yes! My goal weight has gone down twice this year, and my fitness aims and fat percentage goals have changed too, as I see them
    getting more and more possible and achievable. Am I obsessed, Yes :laugh: but its a healthy obsession:smile:
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 270 Member
    I was thinking of lowering my goal weight by another 5 pounds once I reach the goal I have set. What I mainly want to do is lose enough fat to fit into a couple of size 3 capris that I have and like. My butt and thighs are too huge to squeeze into them at this point in time.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I'm a little less than 5kg away from my goal weight. When I hit it, I plan on reevaluating depending on what my body looks like. After all, a look is more important than a number to me.
  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    I'm totally going through the same thing right now! I'm 5'6 currently 132.9 (yay! haha) and my goal weight is 130. I've lost 15 pounds and I think I'm going to change my "GW" to 125, even though weight isn't as important to me. I'd really like to see a 20%BF, because I'm currently at like 26% or something, and that's whats making me look flabby. I'd like to keep dropping fat, and don't really care if I gain or lose a few at this point.

    I don't have any answers, but I'm in the same boat! haha.
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm not there yet but I'm thinking my goal weight is going to come up. I'm 5'6" and my current goal weight is 120lbs. I have been working hard since February and my fitness is greatly improved, as well as being more toned but my weight hasn't really gone down that much.

    My current goal is now heading towards a size 8 (UK) or 120lbs, whichever I reach first
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I started about 18 months ago at around 155lb and at that time my goal weight was 140lbs which would make me equal to the lightest I'd been all my adult life.

    However, once I reached that I wanted to see how much further I could go and reset to 135lbs

    Well I reached that too and am now at around 130-131lbs.

    I think I'm quite happy and am now losing inches whilst maintaining the weight reasonable easily. I'm wearing a UK size 8/10 - sizes that I never thought I'd see again!!
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    Yeah this is totally normal, 90% of people I know on here (inc. me) that have reach their main goal weight have re-evaluated their goal rather than switch to pure maintenance. Some have switched to losing some more as they now realise what they can achieve, some (like me) realised they were a little on the skinny side for a guy and started adding muscle but still using MFP to monitor macros, get motivation and not get too much heavier....just lose that fat and add some muscle.

    Great that you are getting close to goal and thinking ahead, just make sure you use the mirror and don't go too far ;)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Yes! After I got to my initial target and started maintaining, another 11 pounds came off pretty easy over the next few months. I reset my goal to that weight after conferring with a perfroming arts medical doctor. I am 5'8" and weight 128 pounds, but have really long thin, (but apparently very dense per the latest bone density scan) bones. My weight fluctuates a couple of pounds up and down and it's not a battle to maintain this weight. The doctor told me my optimal weight range for playing my horn and the activity level I want to maintain is between 125 and 135. This means my 5k walk/runs and the concerts I play in are less injury or exhausting... in fact, now I feel energized after my exercise.

    My new goals are around eating for strength and health. My treats are Teavana tea and water with mint leaves. The final frontier - sleeping through the night more consistently!!
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    Yep, my original goal was 20kg, I got that and re-evaluated to 25 kg, I am over half way there and already have the voice in my head saying that is only just the higher limit of healthy bmi... lets keep going another couple..