Insanity- Is it worth the investment?

Hey guys!
Sorry I'm sure this thread has been posted hundreds of times... but I need advice.
The Insanity program is pretty expensive, I can afford it but I would have to make a huge commitment to it and I don't want to waste my money. Part of me is thinking that the price will ensure that I follow the plan- because I'll have the waste of money in the back of my mind, but I'm still concerned.
I looked at trying it out online but I can't find any downloads or demos.
Also, I do workout at home a little but I wanted to know people's experiences with Insanity. Is it for me? Is it for everyone? I can't even do a push up right now (which is my dream NSV)- should I avoid it for that reason, or do it exactly for that reason?
I'm aware it won't be easy, but I don't want to waste my money either...


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I'm a month into the program right now, and I love it, but it is very intense. Have you tried to do any plank work? There is a lot of that involved, as well as variations on push ups, so that might be a challenge. It does come with a 60 day money back guarantee, which is part of why I decided to try it out, but you will still lose something on the investment if you return it (shipping and handling, etc.). You might be better served doing something a little less intense to start with and work your way up to Insanity. The guidline I saw on one of the fitness blogs I looked at when researching the program suggested that you be able to do 10 push ups and run a mile before attempting to do Insanity, but I have seen a lot of posts on these boards of people who have done modifications to some of the exercises and love the results. My progress pictures for the last month are in the picture on my profile, if you're interested.
  • NicoleMGetsFit
    NicoleMGetsFit Posts: 66 Member
    I can run a mile but I seem to have next to no upper body strength. Hmmmm... might have to look into something like 30DS
  • igypsy
    igypsy Posts: 64 Member
    I couldn't do a push up either, when I started. Now, I can, but I can't get my chest all the way down to the floor yet... but that is what Round 2 is for!!

    If you COULD do all the moves from the start THEN it would be a bad investment! You could always download it for free anyways and take it from there.
  • selmafeki
    selmafeki Posts: 48 Member
    Hey y'all! I completed insanity about one week ago and yes it was tough hard and I felt like quitting. But Shaun T is there for ya every single day!

    But to answer your question, there are copies available for download if you don't want to buy it. I'm not saying that it is a good thing due to copy write and so on, but it is an option. Maybe someone can help you out if you don't know how to do it yourself.

    Good luck with your decision
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There is a new programme out by Sean T who did insanity called Focus T25. These workouts are only 25 minutes long.
  • alexnguyen78665
    alexnguyen78665 Posts: 59 Member
    Hate to get all preachy, but please don't steal as some posters have suggested. There are free alternatives such as the various HIIT and tabata style workouts on Youtube if you don't want to invest your hard earned $ into Insanity.

    My two cents: if you can't do a pushup yet, I'd focus on following this (free) program: for strengthening while also doing some cardio work (again, lots of free workouts on Youtube).
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    It's worth it because you can modify as you go. You'll never outgrow/outfit the workouts. Best wishes!
  • hungupon
    hungupon Posts: 4 Member
    I have Insanity and although I don't actually do it every day like you're supposed to, it still works and gives me a good exercise when I do use it. It always leaves a new muscle group aching and it definitely is intense. When I first started, all I could get through was the 15-minute warmup! Now I do different workouts like twice or sometimes three times per week, and manage to get all the way through them (even though it's such an effort!). It's just too much for me to do it every day, and I'd rather adapt it to my lifestyle than try to squish my lifestyle into its daily mold. But it definitely does still work if you don't do it as rigorously as they say, and it's definitely a lot of fun and helps build both strength and endurance.
  • kezza8888
    kezza8888 Posts: 75
    I can run a mile but I seem to have next to no upper body strength. Hmmmm... might have to look into something like 30DS

    ^^^ I did 30DS first - it really helped me build my shoulder strength and do more than 2 push-ups!! Now I am about to finish Week 2 of Insanity and even tho it is tough (I cant always keep up), its great because you can build up over the weeks how much you can handle. I am already experiencing improvements which I will get to see when I do the fit test this weekend!
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    FWIW, I got mine used on Craigslist (very safe, met the lady in the lobby at the public library). It was new and half the online price.

    Good luck!
  • rolemodel69
    rolemodel69 Posts: 365
    Hey guys!
    Sorry I'm sure this thread has been posted hundreds of times... but I need advice.
    The Insanity program is pretty expensive, I can afford it but I would have to make a huge commitment to it and I don't want to waste my money. Part of me is thinking that the price will ensure that I follow the plan- because I'll have the waste of money in the back of my mind, but I'm still concerned.
    I looked at trying it out online but I can't find any downloads or demos.
    Also, I do workout at home a little but I wanted to know people's experiences with Insanity. Is it for me? Is it for everyone? I can't even do a push up right now (which is my dream NSV)- should I avoid it for that reason, or do it exactly for that reason?
    I'm aware it won't be easy, but I don't want to waste my money either...

    Insanity is a great program that can be use by beginner and even more advance people. Even if you can't do any push-up, you can always modify every moves to make them easier. Can't do a push-up? Drop on you knees! Everybody can do knee push-up. It is always well worth buying the program instead of getting a pirated copy, the main reason is that you will get the nutrition plan with it, as opposed to most pirated copy where you will only have the dvd. Also if your dvds stop working, Beachbody will send you new one for free.

    Also when you buy a Beachbody product, you can choose a coach and get support from him and his team through your journey and if you have any problems with your programs or anything else, your coach is always there to help you.

    Beachbody has a lot of great programs to choose from, depending on your taste and what kind of workouts you like, you have a lot of programs there for you. Insanity is a great program, but it is an extreme one meant to deliver great results in only 60 days. There are other program less extreme that will also give you great results but with different style like TurboFire, P90X, etc...
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    Everybody can do knee push-up.

    nope! cant say I can do that either! :sad:
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    I would just do it. I train several women in a group setting. When they come to me most of them can't do pushups. By the time we get through the first month they are able to do 100. Don't let the fact that you can't do all of it today affect your decision; you can't get there if you don't just hit the play button the DVD and go for it.
  • rolemodel69
    rolemodel69 Posts: 365
    Everybody can do knee push-up.

    nope! cant say I can do that either! :sad:

    If you can't do knee push-up, have you tried doing wall push-up? The closer your feet to the wall the easier it is. As you get stronger you move your feet away from the wall to increase the load.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I found mine on a local Facebook sale page. I just posted 'wanted' and I got it from a woman for $80. I'm sure there are hundreds of people out there that bought the program, do the fit test and the first workout and never did it again! Check Craigslist. I got scammed on eBay, so be careful if you try there.

    With that being said. It's hard! It's intense, insane ... But you can do it at your own pace, so you can do it. It's a lot of sweating, and that's just the warm up!!! Watch a few videos on YouTube to see if it's something you would do for 63 days if you invest the money!
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I am only in week 2 of Insanity but I would say it is worth it. Since I am pretty out of shape (I have 75lbs to lose) I was afraid that I wasnt going to be able to keep up. But I just modified some of the moves mainly push ups (I do them on my knees) and burpee's (I do them with a chair instead of going all the way to the floor b/c they kill my knees!). As some have said you can buy it on ebay cheaper, but beware b/c some of them are just copies and the quality is poor, or you might get ripped off all together. I think its better to find a beachbody coach and purchase it from them. And sometimes they have special deals going on. Best of luck no matter what you choose!!! :)