Feedback on my fitness routine

Hi, My first topic here!

I started my journey about 10 weeks ago and have dropped almost 17 lbs so far. I have recently changed up my fitness routine to add interest and to basically not get my body used to the same old thing week after week. I'd love some feedback on what I am doing now and any suggestions on mixing it up when this becomes too routine.

About me
Female, 44 years old
SW: 209 lbs
CW: 193 lbs
GW: 135-140 lbs
TImeframe for GW, 1 to 1.5 yrs

Weekday walks, 40-60 min, some hills, avg speed 5.5 km/hr 3-5 x wk weather permitting
Weekend walks: 60-80 min, speed as above 1-2 x weekend weather permitting

Monday and Wednesday
Swim 500-1000m, 1/2 front crawl, 1/4 breast stroke, 1/4 flutterboard
Aquafit 45 minutes

Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday
24 min circuit training, (with light-ish machine weights but increasing weight weekly)
40 minutes mostly free weight training (squats, curls, tricep, gravitron assisted pull ups, arm raises, presses) - 10 reps x 3, 10 lb dumbells, 185 lbs on gravitron but 8 reps x 3 - I plan to increase weight as I progress, as well as mix up the routine every three weeks. My community center has free fitness consultations and I am working with a consultant on progressing my weight routine.
5 min front planks 4 x 30 sec each
15 mins light cardio (stationary bike, treadmill or light swim)
15 mins stretching, mostly yoga poses and standard stretches

Friday - rest day

Swim - 1500 to 2000 meters

I'm really enjoying this and am quite committed. I am also eating at a 500 cal deficit, fairly clean, lowish carb and high in protien (always have been even before starting). I have my net cals set to 1545, don't always eat all of my exercise cals back, and cals were determined by TDEE -20% at a sedentry lifestyle though I could be convinced to eat more. I'm never really hungry at this level. :)

Additionally, I'm a fairly active person and go kayaking regularly for several hours most weekends. In winter, I downhill ski at least once a week. I am a recreational scuba diver but I don't go out as often as I would like. These activites were always a part of my life before I started really focusing on the weight loss.

It does seem like a lot though and I don't want to overdo it, especially this early in my journey. With this, I am losing 1-2 lbs a week.

If you got this far, thank you! Any advice, warnings, ideas, etc. are welcome. I want to do this right.


  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    Oh, and I could use more friends!
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    If you enjoy the workouts keep doing what you're doing. Don't be afraid to take an extra day or two off here and there. This will give your body time to heal.
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for your reply, Grant.

    Not to be obnoxious, but *BUMP*
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Looks like a solid fitness program.

    From your profile, i read this: "So, for goals, I want to lose 40 lbs by November in time for my trip to Mexico. Then I want to lose enough weight by May 2014 so I can wear a bikini in Hawaii!"

    You've lost 17 lbs. so far in 10 weeks and you have about 20 weeks remaining to drop the other 23 lbs. Good luck on that, I think your commitment to an active fitness program and solid nutrition plan will get you there. You may want to keep an eye out for any classes that may be offered at your community center. Kettlebell, bodypump, etc. something like that on an occasional basis might be of benefit. For, as you mentioned, changing things up as well as give you a nice caloric burn at a different level of intensity then what you experience in your current program.

    Keep up the great effort, we're rooting for ya!
  • SandiLioness
    Hmm from my personal experience with fitness, i actually feel you should give yourself at least 2 days off for a rest. Resting is just as important as the training. Giving your body time to heal and repair is very crucial. Why don't you give yourself the whole weekend off? Or take a day off mid week. Just my opinion. :)

    Otherwise you have a great range of activities going on there.... I personally am a big believer in women doing weights, and strength training. We aren't designed the same as men to bulk up. Believe it or not, we trim down pretty damn well when we start building up our strength. A good solid weights program combined with cardio is what you should aim for IMO. So yeah that's a great idea to aim for that :)

    For me personally my goal to strength train, and push myself to increase my strength every time I trained is when i really started to notice the results. Women do very well with weights. :)

    Good luck, i don't doubt with commitment you will achieve your goal :)
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    Looks like a solid fitness program.

    From your profile, i read this: "So, for goals, I want to lose 40 lbs by November in time for my trip to Mexico. Then I want to lose enough weight by May 2014 so I can wear a bikini in Hawaii!"

    You've lost 17 lbs. so far in 10 weeks and you have about 20 weeks remaining to drop the other 23 lbs. Good luck on that, I think your commitment to an active fitness program and solid nutrition plan will get you there. You may want to keep an eye out for any classes that may be offered at your community center. Kettlebell, bodypump, etc. something like that on an occasional basis might be of benefit. For, as you mentioned, changing things up as well as give you a nice caloric burn at a different level of intensity then what you experience in your current program.

    Keep up the great effort, we're rooting for ya!

    Thanks so much for the feedback and encouragement. :)
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    Hmm from my personal experience with fitness, i actually feel you should give yourself at least 2 days off for a rest. Resting is just as important as the training. Giving your body time to heal and repair is very crucial. Why don't you give yourself the whole weekend off? Or take a day off mid week. Just my opinion. :)

    Otherwise you have a great range of activities going on there.... I personally am a big believer in women doing weights, and strength training. We aren't designed the same as men to bulk up. Believe it or not, we trim down pretty damn well when we start building up our strength. A good solid weights program combined with cardio is what you should aim for IMO. So yeah that's a great idea to aim for that :)

    For me personally my goal to strength train, and push myself to increase my strength every time I trained is when i really started to notice the results. Women do very well with weights. :)

    Good luck, i don't doubt with commitment you will achieve your goal :)

    Thanks again. I am thinking about the extra rest day, though my Sundays are pretty light. I try to walk daily as well. I try to listen to my body, and sometimes I just want to go do something! I'm going to ponder that one. Thanks for the feedback!