Gained while family was visiting

I gained 5lbs while family was in town for 3wks. I am SO disappointed in myself. It was so hard to get that weight off. Having a hard time getting back on track. *sigh*


  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    It happens to most/all of us! I've gone on many business trips, a couple vacations, and of course all those holidays in the past year and it's really hard to stay on track when you're out of your normal routine. The more you do it, the better you get at it, but for now let's do some damage control. You ate some great food and enjoyed your family (I hope! haha). Now you are back to normal and it's really important to hop back on that wagon. Get rid of any tempting leftovers, plan a week of healthy meals, and hit the grocery store. Continue your regular workouts. You will feel so much better, and that extra 5lbs will fall off fairly quickly.

    I know it's really hard to get back on track, but it's really only that first day that's hard and you just have to force yourself to stay within your goals. When you go to bed that night, you will feel so accomplished that you did it, and the next day will be a LOT easier.

    You can do this! You did NOT undo all of that hard work!
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    Don't give up. I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I lost 4 lbs. (finally) , and family stress etc. sent me over the edge and I gained back 3.4 lbs. Grrrr.

    I started working out with HEAVY weights. and mixed with cardio, and drank TONS of water. I lost 3 lbs. this week.

    Focus on eating natural foods (no processed foods ) Whole grain, whole wheat. Take a look at this has become my "food bible"
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
    I had a similar incident. I gained 3lbs in one week. I guess getting rid of the left overs(my hard work) and getting back to the discipline of exercise and good nutrition is hardest.
  • langurmonkey
    I think we've all been there and it really sucks. The more times that you recover successfully and quickly from these episodes, the easier it will get. To be realistic, no-one is going to be perfect all the time, so the challenge is to not flip the "to hell with it" switch and abandon your goal. You know what you did to get where you were, you already know you can do it, so all that remains is to do it.

    That's something I tell myself at moments like this.
  • CapeCodSheila
    CapeCodSheila Posts: 40 Member
    I hope you're feeling a little more upbeat today. I have my entire family coming for 2 weeks-4 kids, 4 grandchildren, my sister, B-I-L and niece with her boyfriend. I can feel the pounds piling on already, so I know exactly where you're coming from. One thing I would suggest and that I'm going to do, is to plan an entire days' menu the night before and stick to it! For one day only, don't let anything go in your mouth that you didn't write down in advance. Good luck and let us know how it goes
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I think we've all been there and it really sucks. The more times that you recover successfully and quickly from these episodes, the easier it will get. To be realistic, no-one is going to be perfect all the time, so the challenge is to not flip the "to hell with it" switch and abandon your goal. You know what you did to get where you were, you already know you can do it, so all that remains is to do it.

    That's something I tell myself at moments like this.
    Wow this is so true! OP - get back on track! Hope you enjoyed spending time with the family
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I always feel that recent weight gains are easiest to lose. Don't waste time being disappointed, it happened and you can't go back in time to change that, but you CAN change it going forward! It's all about your mindset. Once your family is gone, you just have to think positive and take back control!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Some of it may be water weight from eating naughty things :wink: Just get back to logging and exercising, you'll soon be back on track.

    And next time your family come make sure you take the on looooooong walks extra day so you have calories to spare :laugh:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I gained 5lbs while family was in town for 3wks. I am SO disappointed in myself. It was so hard to get that weight off. Having a hard time getting back on track. *sigh*

    2 things.

    1) some/most of it is likely water weight. Give it a few days, get your intake back to where it should be and see if that helps flush out some of the water

    2) we've all been there. You'll be there again. It does stink, but it's part of life. Life happens, and sometimes it's worth enjoying yourself for a day, weekend, week, whatever. Short term setbacks are easy made up for with long term consistency. There will be ebbs and flows... it's hard to accept (I struggle with it), so put it behind you and get back on track.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    That happens to me all the time when I see my family. I use that disappointment to make me put on my workout clothes and lace up my shoes. Put in a good workout and chug that water.
  • lwlock
    lwlock Posts: 33 Member
    I think the lesson here is: never have family come visit you again...

    Just kidding :)

    I like this take on it.
    2) we've all been there. You'll be there again. It does stink, but it's part of life. Life happens, and sometimes it's worth enjoying yourself for a day, weekend, week, whatever. Short term setbacks are easy made up for with long term consistency. There will be ebbs and flows... it's hard to accept (I struggle with it), so put it behind you and get back on track.

    It's probably not the first time and it won't be the last time you hit a bump in the road. Just keep swimming...
  • ksdental04
    ksdental04 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, I do feel bloated so I hope some of it is water weight. I am trying to remind my self how good I felt when I was walking everyday, drinking my water and putting good food in my body.
  • ksdental04
    ksdental04 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all! I had a great visit with my family and now it's time to get back to the schedule I was on before and get the weight off.