Need some advice regarding antidepressants

I have never taken antidepressants in the past until now. I started off on Wellbutrin 150mg for 1 week and then they bumped me up to 300 mg which I have been on for about a week now. I have been considerably happier but I feel that my heart and chest feel very tight and my heart is racing all the time. I also have been having what I can only assume are panic attacks. What happens is that I feel all the blood is rushing to my head and it feels like I cannot breath. I try to breath as much as I can but it feels that it is not reaching my lungs, however when tested they say I am getting plenty of oxygen. I went in to see the dr. about the panic attacks and he prescribed clonazapan twice a day to help counter act them. It helps with the panic attacks but it makes me so drowsy so it cancels out the energy I was getting from the wellbutrin. I am not sure what I should do. I tried to stop taking the clonazapan today because it made me so tired but by lunchtime I felt so much anxiety for reasons I couldnt explain to myself and then started panicking again so I took one. This makes me worry that I am becoming addicted to them after only 4 days. Now I am sitting at my desk at work and it feels like the room is spinning from taking the clonazapan. I just want to be able to function normally and feel happy but not have these terrifying panic attacks. Does anyone have any advice or insight for me?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    PLEASE do not take medical advice from random people on the internet who know nothing about your or your medical history!! Call your doctor back and talk to him/her about it again. Maybe a different dosage or medication would help....
  • CrimsonNBlues
    CrimsonNBlues Posts: 43 Member
    Be really careful of the clonazapan, it can be highly addictive and if you take it everyday ( for an extended period of time) then just stop without tapering off, there is a risk of seizures. I have heard that antidepressants can cause anxiety when you first start taking them but that it tapers off after you adjust and are on the right dose. This may also be the wrong drug for you. Most people I know who take psychotropic drugs have to try a couple to find the most effective type and dose. It can be a long and stressful journey. Just keep your doctor informed of what's going on, and I wish you the best of luck in your physical and mental health.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Okay well first of all DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE stop taking an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication. Give the medications a few weeks to fully enter your system.

    Unfortunately, finding the right antidepressant is a long process. I had to try FOUR different ones and different dosages of each. Wellbutrin is an awesome one. I'm sorry you're experencing unpleasant side effects. If they become too much for you, contact your doctor immediately BEFORE stopping usage.

    I hope this helps and feel free to add me. I have major depression and anxiety and I know tough it can be to deal with them both.
  • Antiquers
    Antiquers Posts: 12
    I'm with the poster before me - never stop taking an antidepressant/antianxiety meds without first consulting your doctor, no matter how appealing it can sometimes be. Been there, done that, the results really aren't all that nice. Lesson learned.

    Like bonita said, it really is a long process, and you're unfortunately going to have to go through some (medically prescribed) experimentation before you find the right medication and dosage for you. So long as you keep your doctor aware of any side effects you're experiencing and whether or not the medication's helping, they'll be able to advise you as to when to stop or switch.

    The internet can be great for support and sharing experiences, but when it comes down to it this has to be between you and your doctor. Continue being honest with them and they'll get you sorted eventually. Once you do get settled on one that fits though, all the ups and downs of the experiments that led you there are more than worth it. I finally got my medication sorted out a couple months back and my depression and OCD are already so much better.

    I hope things get better for you (: I'm sure that they will.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    PLEASE do not take medical advice from random people on the internet who know nothing about your or your medical history!! Call your doctor back and talk to him/her about it again. Maybe a different dosage or medication would help....

    ^^^ This!

    And do not stop taking anti-depressants cold turkey. Which is what your doctor will tell you when you call him/her. (If you have, if not, WHY THE HELL NOT?!!) GET ON THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR DOC.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    The first response was the correct one: don't take any medical advice from unknown strangers on a web site. We've seen too many people aren't doctors but they play one on the web here.

    I've been on Wellbutrin for a while without incident. Don't stop it. But you must, you simply must, go talk to your doctor and go over everything. That is the only thing to do. I've seen people stop any number of meds to bad results.

    Please, call your doctor and go see them. ASAP.

    ETA: And trust me -- they have heard this all before, so don't feel like what you are experiencing is anything unique to you. They want to, they NEED to hear about this from you. Please. Call them.
  • katiej080810
    Thanks for all the helpful advice. I have called my doctor and been working with him throughout this process. I guess I was just looking for some kind of input from people who have gone through these things before. Sometimes in the midst of an anxiety attack it helps to write down what I am feeling, sorry if it burdened anyone. I am going to start taking 1/2 of the dose I have been taking and see if it helps with the anxiety I have been feeling. I know it will get figured out eventually.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful advice. I have called my doctor and been working with him throughout this process. I guess I was just looking for some kind of input from people who have gone through these things before. Sometimes in the midst of an anxiety attack it helps to write down what I am feeling, sorry if it burdened anyone. I am going to start taking 1/2 of the dose I have been taking and see if it helps with the anxiety I have been feeling. I know it will get figured out eventually.

    You are most definitely NOT a burden. That is one of the biggest lies depression will tell you. You are NOT a burden (repeat 10x) and always reach out because there will be someone who can and will help :smile:
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    I agree with several of the responses - Def do not stop taking any anti depressant or anti anxiety medications cold turkey - I have done this more than once and its not pretty.
    It is a very long process to see what one works for you - Effexor is indicated for both major depression as well as anxiety disorder.... but - I dont know your medical history - and really the best thing would be to call your doctor and discuss what you are experiencing. You should def let the medications work for a couple of weeks before giving up.

    I have been on I think all of them - I finally have found a balance - plus working out really helps me. I do not wish a panic attack on anyone... I hope you are able to find some answers and get to feeling better soon
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    First of all, I'm not a doctor, but I have been on antidepressants myself for 15 years or so...and I've been on a lot of different ones, because it is trial and error. I also have a master's degree in clinical psychology, which does not give me the ability to prescribe, but I have known a lot of people on a lot of different medications.

    I agree that it isn't wise to blindly take medical advice from people on the internet, but I also think that patients should do their own research that they can then talk to their doctor about, and part of that research can be talking to other people with similar experiences.

    If I understand you right, you have not had panic attacks before starting the Wellbutrin, correct? So you started the Wellbutrin, and then got panic attacks. And then your doctor gave you Klonipin, to reduce the panic attacks. Now I don't believe that panic attacks are a common side effect of Wellbutrin, but if you do a google search for "Wellbutrin and Panic Attacks" you'll find that other people have reported it. It could be coincidence, or it could not be.

    Wellbutrin is a very common antidepressant medication for doctors to start people on, partly because it doesn't have the sexual side effects that some of the other ones do. But Klonipin is a different story. It's not that common for GP's to prescribe it. It can be addictive, and it does have icky side effects of making you sleepy, etc.

    If it were me, I would have a serious discussion with my doctor about switching my antidepressant, or even asking for a referral to a specialist. This is assuming that I am understanding you correctly that the panic attacks started after you started taking the Wellbutrin.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Go to the doctor, or another doctor. I don't really know about the medications you're taking, but many should not be stopped abruptly. How you titrate the dose -- I think that's the term -- may depend on things like your weight, sex, and age. While you're waiting to see the doctor I would at least go to a website that's dedicated to patient's reactions to psychotropic meds.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    No, you're not a burden.

    I only answered the way I did because this one is one of those call your doctor NOW situations.

    I've been on Welbutrin (well the generic) for 8 years now. And yes it usually is the one docs start patients out on due to the low chance of side effects, and usually well tolerated. It sounds, though, that you're getting anxiety attacks while being on this. Yes, you really need to sit and have a good talk with your doc. If he/she doesn't want to discuss with you, FIND SOMEONE ELSE. It's really important that you have someone that works with you, not someone who is a "do as I say" person. If I were to give out medical advice, that be it: make sure you have a good doctor.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Oh jeez! Yet another perfect example of a doctor who prescribes a drug to counteract the side effects of another drug.

    Please, ask a second opinion. There are so many anti-depressants that you can try. Obviously, if Wellbutrin gives you panic attacks, it means it's not meant for you.
    You are not on the right medications for you.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    OP in case you're checking back. You are definitely not a burden! The responses saying to go back to your doc are simply out of concern for your safety as taking med advice from random people could be harmful to your health. We just want to make sure you do what's right for your health.

    Hope you're feeling better soon
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    PLEASE do not take medical advice from random people on the internet who know nothing about your or your medical history!! Call your doctor back and talk to him/her about it again. Maybe a different dosage or medication would help....

    And do not stop taking anti-depressants cold turkey. Which is what your doctor will tell you when you call him/her. (If you have, if not, WHY THE HELL NOT?!!) GET ON THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR DOC.

    I'd suggest seeing someone who has experience with psych meds - a psychiatrist, a PA or nurse who works with a psych group, etc. General practitioners will do the boilerplate thing but they really don't have the experience if you need a combination of meds or really need to adjust dosages. There are lots of antidepressants out there, and lots of antianxiety meds. At one point several years ago I was on a cocktail of 5 meds for depression, anxiety and PTSD, and they were Rx'd by a nurse practitioner who worked with a psych group. I was pretty lucky that the meds worked for me without a whole lot of experimenting with combinations and dosages. It may take some time to find out which ones at what dosage and in what combination is right for you. But don't stop taking them cold turkey unless your doc tells you to - sometimes it is ok to stop depending on what dosage you're on, but most of them can have some pretty severe side effects if you don't ease off of them.

    Hang in there - I hope you find something that works for you.

    And just an FYI - I'm not on anything anymore. Hang in there!
  • AJinBirmingham
    DO: Talk to your physician.

    DON'T: Just follow his/her instructions without asking questions, doing your own research, and then asking MORE questions.

    ALSO: Remember that your illness is a paycheck for your doctor and his staff, and that they are "educated" by pharma reps, whose pay checks are in your treatment. I'm not suggesting intentional misdiagnosis runs rampant, but people want pills to fix things and the provision thereof is a multi-billion dollar business.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    Please go to your my personal experience if you start looking on the internet you can get a whole keep of negative advise.when I typed mine in only the bad stuff came up....doctors know this stuff x
  • AJinBirmingham
    Take an antidepressant that gives you panic attacks.
    For panic attack, take benzos that make you sleepy.
    For sleepiness, take a mild stimulant that makes you shake.
    For shakiness . . .

    It's a slippery slope.