ByeBYE 105 lbs. of Self Inflicted Pain and Suffering!

kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
I know I just posted progress over a week ago but this is a BIG FREAKIN DEAL! lol

My whole life I started things and stopped them. I never stayed motivated enough to just stick to one thing and finish. I would start and have a lot of interest in the beginning but then soon after, I would get bored and lose all interest. This may or may not have added into the many years of abuse I had put my body through.

I guess I was depressed. Admitting that to myself is probably a hard thing for me to do because I was always such a shiney happy person on the outside whenever anyone was around me. It's when I sit and think about the times I was alone that really stick out to me. Its hard to also think about the series of events that lead to this depression but it's quite obvious that being over weight was a good fuel to that fire, which in return lead to me being Morbidly Obese.

For the better part of 14 years I was severely overweight and unhappy deep down. Thinking that life was a party and nothing bad could ever happen was on my mind. If there was a party I was there or throwing it. Years of drinking and eating finally lead to me weighing 380 lbs. PLUS. I can guess that number at some point was closer to 400 lbs. Either way, I was very unhealthy. The days, weeks, months and years that went by that ended in me crying myself to sleep cannot be counted. I will never forget them but I will not miss them either.

Today, I have lost 105 lbs. I stare at that number and I cry because just 8 months ago I was that 380 lb. girl still crying myself to sleep. 8 months ago I started something and I haven't stopped and I won't. I can't. Not only am I accountable for myself but there are so many peoples lives I touch on a daily basis now its amazing. I have finally found my calling. I have a long way to go, but this time next year I will be yet another changed person.

The amount of pain my body was in for so long. I don't miss it. The activities I never participated in because I was so big and got winded quickly. I'm not a part of. The asthma attacks. I don't miss them. The things people say behind your back. I won't miss it. The attention you get from your peers because you are changing into a physically better person is what I have longed for. It's odd for people who are thin to think about how differently people treat you when you are big. In some peoples mind they can't believe the things people say and do because they wouldn't do those things. My life is becoming very surreal. Guys are noticing me, asking me out. I have more choices in my life now and those choices will only grow. I can't wait for the next 100 lbs to come off :)

So, take a little look at my journey :)



















  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Wow amazing job, well done.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Awesome work!!
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    Well, all of you is looking fabulous but those cheekbones you are sporting are something else. Good job, you. As far as I'm concerned you can post your joy and happiness success every week.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    Fantastic job!!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    Not only have you made such an incredible success you tell it very well with pictures!! I will smile all day!!
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I think you have done an awesome JOB! Keep up the good work. So glad you are living life again.
  • From one Hawkeye to another, you look fabulous! Congrats on your continued success and keep up the great work! GO HAWKEYES!!
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    That's absolutely fantastic!!!!!!
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    AMAZING!!! You go girl!!
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    Amazing changes!! You look fantastic!!
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    This gives me motivation to keep going...I know that being 100+ overweight is a huge cause of my pain--both physically and emotionally. I get frustrated that I can't do the things my family wants to do. My stamina is building...but it is not there, YET!

    My niece lost about 60+ using Hip Hop Abs. I was able to witness the HUGE smile on her face when she tried on a size 10 wedding dress---her face lit up (thank you Skype). She looked beautiful, amazing and confident!
  • cyndilie
    cyndilie Posts: 52
    Great job!!!!! Congrats!!!!:smile:
  • violetbluemornings
    violetbluemornings Posts: 99 Member
    wow very inspiring. You have come a long way and look so fantastic and your so pretty too!! Congrats!!:happy:
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    You are really looking fantastic.
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    You guys are so sweet! Thank you!
  • Your progress is so inspirational! And might I add, you are very beautiful:)
  • Charlotte318
    Charlotte318 Posts: 37 Member
    You look AMAZING!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I love the pants picture! Amazing work! You can see the pride and happiness with your results in your eyes. Wonderful work!
  • shell1379
    shell1379 Posts: 79 Member
    Amazing! I don't know you but just seeing your pictures and how determined you are brought tears to my eyes. You are inspiration for people all over the world that one truly can be healthy and look good with hard work while doing it. Reach for the STARS!!!!!!!!
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    You are awesome! Congrats on your success!!
  • msdee2889
    msdee2889 Posts: 1 Member
    you look great thank you for sharing !!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    You look amazing! Look at those cheekbones! They'll cut ya. ;D
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    You are the most adorable thing ever! You have done such a great job, way to keep to motivated over the last 8 months. You look amazing!
  • Way to go, hun. Keep up the good work.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Woohoo!! Love all the pic comparisons!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Look at those gorgeous cheekbones!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Wow congratulations you've done an awesome job & have made such great progress. Keep up the great work.
  • Mlmr310
    Mlmr310 Posts: 52 Member
    Great job!
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