
Hey there! I am looking for people who blog, outside of MFP, about their weight loss journey; struggles, & accomplishments.

I do. And you can follow me at :

If you stop by my blog, Check out my post No Number Challenge. It's what I am doing until Sept 20th. One of the things is I can't weigh in until the end of the challenge, which is sometimes very difficult to resist. But so far so good!! :smile:

Leave me your site and I will come support you too. I know it comes down to just getting out their and sticking to our plans, but having the support & encouragement helps a lot. And also reading about another persons journey can be inspiring and usefull.

Hope to see you all in the blog world! :flowerforyou:

Oh, and give me a follow on here too. The more the merrier!


  • Laurie9797
    Laurie9797 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I have a blog outside of here as well - I will follow you tonight when I get home - for some reason your site is blocked from work! Boo!
  • SabrinaM85
    Hey Laurie! I gave you a follow. Congrats on signing up for your first 5k. I hope to be able to do the same soon.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Shot you a afriend request with message :) ~ Blog on! xo
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Great blog Sabrina,

    I am now following you, not in a stalker way :)

    I have a blog too, check it out if you get a chance
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I have a blog, not just health related:
  • higher_miles
    I have a blog! I talk about everything from my daily life, fitness, running, and my husband's deployment
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    awesome blogs guys! i will be stopping by often! i blog about my meal plan each week.
  • SabrinaM85
    Welcome new friends!!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Before I found MFP when I first decided I was going to loose weight, I made a couple blog posts about it and have since not blogged at all about my weight loss journey,, but im always posting on facebook about my progress and all my friends are always telling me what a great job im doing and how im inspiring them, I really ought to start blogging more about this journey of mine!

    You can visit my blog if you want, ill be putting up more weigh loss entries very soon, once my kids get back to school in a few weeks ill be blogging a lot more than I am now :)
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I have a blog as well,, I post about random things, including weight loss and weight maintenance, as well as other challenges I set for myself, for example right now I'm on a "no TV for 3 months challenge". If you have a blog please add me and I will follow you as well!
  • Lindsay7360
    Hey Sabrina - you know I do! :)

    Anyone else who's interested:
  • SabrinaM85
    Oh Yes!! Lindsay ROCKS at the whole blogging thing. :wink:
  • SabrinaM85
    Wow. No TV for 3 months? Hows that going?!?!? I don't know if I could manage.
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    Hey guys, I'm going to check all of these out!

    I just started mine up when I restarted my diet the other day (Monday).

    Here is the link...
  • Lindsay7360
    Oh Yes!! Lindsay ROCKS at the whole blogging thing. :wink:

    Way to make be blush, Sabrina! :blushing:

    Thanks girl, you're sweet!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    Yeah, the no TV thing is going so-so, I haven't watched any TV or DVD's or movies yet, but I've cheated and watched videos on YouTube...which is also on my not-allowed list. So basically this challenge is not easy!!! I was hoping to become more productive, but I find instead I'm spending way too much time on the internet!! :ohwell: I still have a long time to go (until November)...hopefully I manage start focusing on some of my supposed hobbies!
  • SabrinaM85
    Well Eve, I wish you the best of luck in your challenge. I just checked out your blog, and that is pretty hard core. I admire you for that.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks Sabrina! And thanks to those who have added me on blogger, I've think I've added all of you, in case I haven't please send me a message in MFP and I'll add your blog. :smile:
  • SabrinaM85
    Yay for blogging buddies! Everyone has such unique blogs, its great!

    If we stick together we can do anything!!

    Are there any more bloggers out there??
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    just saw this post, so I'm a little behind :) my blog site is in my signature below