Hi fellow losers :)

I'm a 24 year old female. I'm 5'4 and weight 227lbs. I've weighted more, last year I weighed 275 & I needed to do something before I reached 300 (which I could have reached if I didn't start walking.) That's all I did. I walked an hour every day until my pants started feeling loose. I was down to 223 & I stopped walking, for about a month :( now I'm up again, and sore as hell but I gotta get back out there again. My fiance cooks, and he cooks some amazing foods but I know I'm not eating enough good stuff to aid in my weight loss. We live paycheck to paycheck and a trip to the grocery store usually sets us back. Also I'm a heavy smoker. Ughh.. I know I have to beat that habit but I'm also living with a heavy smoker. Today is going to be the first day I get out for a walk since a couple weeks ago. I want to make it a daily thing. Maybe take 2-3 days off a week. My dog will thank me, and I'm hoping I can lose a few pounds to keep me motivated to keep doing it until I reach my goal weight of 180 or at least 195. All I know is when I get below 220 I'll never want to look back. I'm drowning in a closet full of huge clothes so I just have a few dresses & skirts to wear. I don't want to waste money on clothes now, I'd rather wait until I make some progress. Living on a very tight budget should help :wink:


  • aliciamhosein
    all you can do is try your hardest. Weight loss is very tricky. When I was 16 I weighed 195 through hard work I reached 118. it is easy to think that once your "skinny" you will be able to keep the pounds off. It's not the truth after moving in with my bf over the course of one year I went up to 145, I gained 27lbs. now I am in it for the long hall to lose the weight permanently. Though the use of this website in the past 2.5 weeks I am down to 139. I have learned now that I need a life style change not a quick fix. For me I focus on my diet rather than exercise once my body adjusts I will start workouts.

    Have you ever thought about making a dream board? save a spot on your wall with a lists of reasons why you want to lose the weight, obstacle's you will need to overcome and also a plan for keeping the weight off once its gone. for me I also have a pair of jeans hanging up that I would like to fit into in the very front of my closet. I have also come up with tricks to eat healthy while on a diet. for example egg's are very cheap, so I eat them for breakfast everyday. to save on calories I make 2 egg whites and only one yolk. the other one I mix with my dogs for as a snack for her. I also use Google a lot for tips on cheap healthy meals. I never let my bf cook so I know what's going into my food, and cook his separate.

    Hope this was helpful in some way :)
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
    HA! OMG At first I was like all mad in stuff by you calling us losers LOLOLOL then I realized it's because we're trying to lose weight! ha ! OMG Thanks for the laugh! I really needed it! :laugh:
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I had quite the chuckle about it as well
  • Murpster2008
    Murpster2008 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like you've got a good plan there. I focus mostly on my calories and do a bit of walking as well - between 30 min and 60 min per day and I've lost every week since starting. You'll do fine. Feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • Hotdawgnothotdog
    Hotdawgnothotdog Posts: 179 Member
    We're a little similar in a few things, my heaviest weight was 256, nearing 300. :{ Luckily, I started jumping on my trampoline (didn't know the weight max at the time) and lost about 14 pounds, this began my motivation to actually lose this weight and now, here I am. :) My dog too like this new lifestyle as I usually take her out with me. LOL, that was random. Anyways, feel free to add me as a friend, can always use extra motivation.