How to cure a sweet tooth??



  • bwright9752
    bwright9752 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm normally pretty good during the day but come evening time I crave ice cream - usually the fruity kinds, not chocolately ones. I recently started drinking smoothy every night and it curbs the craving for ice cream.
    I try to save 300-500 calories for 8 or 9 oclock pm and that's when I make my smoothy. Frozen yogurt (not the ice cream kind, but regular yogurt in the freezer), 1/2 frozen banana, strawberries or mango or orang juice concentrate and milk. If I happen to be craving chocolate then I'll chocolate syrup and a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter instead of the strawberries or mango. If I have too many calories left at the end of the day I'll throw in some protein powder too.
  • shannaslife
    shannaslife Posts: 19 Member
    yum @ bananas
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I make myself some weird fruit combos to satisfy my cravings :)

    frozen banana can be made into icecream
    Ripe banana's can be made into cookies
    Bake chickpeas as as good as popcorn
    eat plenty of berries! no harm in binging on blueberries....
    Want gummy bears? make your own with fruit juice and gelatin!
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    It's purely psychological so the only thing that is going to work is willpower and distraction.
  • strick1982
    strick1982 Posts: 75 Member
    I know how you feel about sweets. Great advice on here. What worked for me was sugar free gum. The apple pie dessert delights is just like eating a dessert. Yum.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    Apple and peanut butter

    Protein Shake: Scoop 100% whey protein powder chocolate flavor, cup milk (I use 1%), half a banana, and a tbsp. of peanut butter. I throw in 5 ice cubes and blend pour it in an iced mug. Delicious like a milk shake :)
  • Bouneschlupp
    Bouneschlupp Posts: 29 Member
    I cure it with green smoothies and lots of clean eating. I experienced that when I'll full with nutrient dense food the cravings disappear. I also pay attention to not have any unhealthy food in my house, so if ever I get a small craving I would have to eat something clean.
  • catwummin
    catwummin Posts: 3 Member
    There are lots of low fat "dessert" type products on the market right now simulating liquid chocolate (eg Danone Shape velvety chocolate). They're fairly light on the old calorie front, and they're great for dipping strawberries into. You feel like you're being really indulgent and naughty, but even a whole punnet of strawberries and two wee pots of these are very light on calorie counting. Will fill you up too AND satisfy your sweet craving.
  • rachiefofo
    rachiefofo Posts: 34 Member
    mints or gum!! Takes away my cravings instantly
  • jhtjet
    jhtjet Posts: 2
    I snack on frozen red grapes
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 437 Member These are easy to make and dont take long. I didnt try the frosting so I cant say anything about that. But I made my own with fatfree creamcheese, splenda, and maple extract. These are a new staple sweet treat :)
  • Gummdrp
    Gummdrp Posts: 4
    Great ideas! Thank you everyone.
  • sooz
    sooz Posts: 15 Member
    You don't have a sweet tooth -- you're addicted to sugar. If you plan to lost 167 lbs, you need to go cold turkey. Try a green juice fast for two or three days. I know it sounds drastic, but it's the only time I completely lost cravings. I could think about all the usual trigger foods and not feel compelled to drive to the store. Course I don't keep them in the house because that would just be stupid.
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    Yes, the Flat Belly Diet book, by Prevention magazine. When I eat the foods they recommend, I have no cravings.
  • jenniferft1997
    jenniferft1997 Posts: 40 Member
    Love some of the answers. Thanks for asking. I have a sweet tooth also :)
  • daaimah123
    daaimah123 Posts: 16 Member
    i keep my vegan cookie dough balls in the freezer and every time it hits me i pop two or three...good thing is they have oats which help to curb hunger ;-) so after i eat them im not hungry for a while...i add flax and other things sometimes too for more nutrition =)

    but natural foods are def better than manufactured

    banana, applesauce, or honey instead of sugars in recipes

    also i just dont buy any sweets unless theyre fruits =)
  • lacharp
    lacharp Posts: 66
    I have a total sweet tooth too. It helps me when I stick to a low glycemic diet and cut out grains/starch. I don't find myself craving sugar as much then, or when I do, fruit satifsies it. Right now I'm following the Paleo diet and it's really been helping me curb my sugar cravings. Cutting out diet soda/fake sugar really helped me too.
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    If your craving certain specific types of food, it usually means your missing some nutrient in your diet.
    The only thing that helped me curb my sweet tooth was Kale smoothies (soy milk, kale, banana and apple). LOVE it :D

    There is a chart around someplace but I cant find it right now....Its a chart of ' "Crave this, Eat this" type of thing.

    Good luck!:happy:
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    I didn't read all the post so I apologize if this is a repeat suggestions. I am in the same boat as you. I do two things that get me through these cravings about 90% of the time. First, chug a large cup of ice cold water in three minutes and chew the ice. Then I go brush my teeth, floss, and mouth wash. By the time I am done, I have though of at least 4 different things I have to do and completely forget about my craving. But...some nights, you just have to give a little. I have noticed that I eat less sour stuff because its over sweet...if that makes sense.
  • Matt24442
    Matt24442 Posts: 324
    rip it out with pliers