Well and truly fallen off the wagon!

No excuses, I just got bored of stressing out everytime there was an event or a treat on offer!

So in the past week I've eaten out 4 times, missed the gym 3 times and have eaten nothing but sweets and cakes for 2 days. OH DEAR LORD. The worst thing is, I'm making myself sick because my stomachs not used to it all anymore, and I still can't stop myself!

Don't even know why I needed to write this, but hoping it will help stop the binge :(


  • esilvera19
    esilvera19 Posts: 10
    I totally understand what you mean. I had a pretty bad bingy day yesterday and have definitely felt bad about it today. My stomach also hurt a lot yesterday since it wasn't used to that much food or that kind of food. I posted today also and I have just had to remind myself and be reminded that it's a lifestyle change that we're taking on. It's not something that will happen and then we won't have to worry about it any more. It's going to be a constant healthy lifestyle that includes eating healthy and exercising. All I can say is don't beat yourself up or punish yourself for it- I have been doing some of that today myself and I need to stop it.

    It was a good thing that you posted because that means you took a moment to step away from the binge to recognize what you're doing. That's a really good thing to do! I had to do that myself today. I hope that this week gets better for you and just don't punish yourself for it. Breath, move, and begin again. You can get back on that wagon! I hope that this is supportive for you and know you're not only in this journey to a healthy lifestyle.
  • ghost139
    ghost139 Posts: 7
    You know what? we all do that from time to time. whats important is that you acknowledge that you're binging on food at the moment, and that if your weight goes up a bit you dont panic, stress or get unmotivated.

    I learned that th hard way, went from 236lbs down to 192. Company shipped me to Portland Oregon for 3 weeks, i didn't count calories or anything (tricky with hotel food) and came back over 205lbs.... naturally i just let myself go at that point, being all angry and miserable my weight went up that fast, now i'm back at 225, down from 230 when i finally kicked myself in the butt.

    So, just take care and hopefully yes, your post was the motivation/acceptance you needed !

    Best of luck
  • marfhutch
    marfhutch Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the support guys!

    I know I don't want to give up completely, but I have too many things at the moment where I can't track calories (leaving a job=meals out, holiday for 2 weeks etc) meaning i feel like there's no point! I'm also moving away from a great gym which means my exercise is gonna drop off massively... I guess I'm so scared all this work is for nothing that I'm sub-consciously trying to ruin it on purpose. Meh. Ahwell, maybe after a couple of weeks off ill be begging for healthy food again!
  • nicola19489
    nicola19489 Posts: 35 Member
    Im exactly the same had a burger the other night a takeaway tonight aswell as two krispy kreme doughnuts and im out tomorrow night too and yet theres no stopping me!
  • cheeky1990
    im exactly the same, have pretty much gone back to my old eating habits the past couple of weeks, tried to exercise harder hoping the scales would notice the harder exercise rather than bad foods, but they dont!!! complete opposite result!! :( i dont have the motivation to exercise anymore, i get bored with it, and would rather just sit here in front of my computer and heater than feel like im about to die!! even tho i know i always feel great afterwards.
    and even tho alot of people are noticing my weight loss, and it feels amazing, i dont have the motivation and support that i need from those closest to me anymore. i feel like im in it alone.
  • d3va
    d3va Posts: 19 Member
    We are all here for you because we all can experience this - I just lost my mother very unexpectedly and for 2 months did not log or watch what I ate. I even purposely ate junk food because it made me feel a little better during this difficult time. I am definately paying for it - I was down 15 lbs and gained back 8 lbs when I just restarted my diet.

    Its been very rough working on eating better and walking since Feb 2013 and only have 8 lbs to show for it.


    hoping to get back on track and keep losing for the rest of the year!
  • debbiedoeshealth
    debbiedoeshealth Posts: 97 Member
    I totally get you. It is so easy to fall off the wagon and then once your off and rolling down the hill it is hard to stop yourself. I can't offer much because I'm still rolling down the hill but I am going back to basics. Starting small and refocusing again.
  • mollyya90
    mollyya90 Posts: 49 Member
    Oh I've been off for like a week!! Greasy food alcohol everything was tearing me down!! I have done good for the past few days but tonight I binged on mexican food like really bad! But I am going to get up in the morning go walking then do my insanity day 2!! Have to overcome the mistakes and keep on going!! We are all human And there will always be temptations! We just have to pick ourselves up and keep going!!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    My hands and knees are virtually scarred from all the times I have tumbled off. We've all been there.

    If I may make a suggestion, give yourself some grace. I am a fan of writing things down, so if I were in your shoes right now I would write down the specific roadblocks that have popped up. Brainstorm ways around as many of them as you can. Then pick just ONE and tackle it. I think you will regain a feeling of control and gradually be able to climb back on that wagon all the way. You got this, and we are behind you 100%.

  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I've had a coke almost everyday this week and just ate a swiss cake roll. There is no point in a perfect meal plan and therefore no reason to get down on yourself for not having as much will power. The point is that you are still trying and are still motivated. I for one will not go through life without a night of beer drinking or a giant plate of alfredo pasta. There are going to be times like this. No stress. :happy: