Binge eating!

I've had problems with binge eating this week. A few days ago, I ate more than three thousand calories worth of chinese food and muffins. Today, I ate an entire box of cookies. I really want to stay up all night working out but it's really hard for me to maintain concentration and endurance. Does anyone else go so overboard and have trouble getting through a workout?


  • meggsandbacon78
    Omg i do the same thing!
    I did the "28 day challenge" where you give up junk food COMPLETELY for about a month. It was GREAT for me because it gave me motivation because i told myself "youll get to eat it all after you finish these 28 days." but then when that time rolled around i didnt wanna eat anything bad and i ended up losing about 25 pounds :)
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Omg i do the same thing!
    I did the "28 day challenge" where you give up junk food COMPLETELY for about a month. It was GREAT for me because it gave me motivation because i told myself "youll get to eat it all after you finish these 28 days." but then when that time rolled around i didnt wanna eat anything bad and i ended up losing about 25 pounds :)

    Forcing yourself to only eat "clean foods" is a recipe for bingeing. If you ever eat one bite of what you think is "junk food" you will immediately go off the wagon and binge. Eat whatever you want, just track the calories and don't deprive yourself of foods you like in moderation...
  • nicccccccole
    What can I do to recover from it today/tomorrow??
  • It's all good. You can exercise tomorrow. Don't beat yourself up over that. We all do it.
  • buttshrink
    buttshrink Posts: 32 Member
    Drink lots of water. Most importantly FORGIVE YOURSELF! This process will not be without ups and downs. Overeating will happen (at least I know it has for me...multiple times) Try to stay within your calorie goals starting today. Finish one day and then do it again tomorrow. As you continue it will get easier and the binging will happen less.

    Also I know that some people journal about it. Write down how you feel after/during/before a binge and reference it when you feel a binge coming on.

    Good luck!
  • Gontse_Moichela
    Gontse_Moichela Posts: 9 Member
    You need to forgive yourself. Overeating is prone to happen with your journey.
  • GravyBrah
    GravyBrah Posts: 34 Member
    What can I do to recover from it today/tomorrow??

    Drink lots of water and prepare yourself mentally to get back on track tomorrow. Just because you binge ate for a day doesn't mean you'll suddenly absorb all the calories from a single cheat day. Don't let it be an excuse to cancel out all your hard work and give up. Sometimes the hormones signal the brain to binge/cheat when you've been a caloric deficit for a while. This serves as a "reset' and actually optimizes your body to be more efficient in burning body fat.

    If you really want to cancel out a bad day, you could also try intermittent fasting. This would be a controlled 24hr fast immediately after your slip up.
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I've been overeating this week too. Had a bacon cheddar burger and fries from Applebee's tonight. It was really good, but so high in calories! Tomorrow is a new day though, so hang in there!
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    Omg i do the same thing!
    I did the "28 day challenge" where you give up junk food COMPLETELY for about a month. It was GREAT for me because it gave me motivation because i told myself "youll get to eat it all after you finish these 28 days." but then when that time rolled around i didnt wanna eat anything bad and i ended up losing about 25 pounds :)

    Forcing yourself to only eat "clean foods" is a recipe for bingeing. If you ever eat one bite of what you think is "junk food" you will immediately go off the wagon and binge. Eat whatever you want, just track the calories and don't deprive yourself of foods you like in moderation...

    I agree to a point ^^^
    To keep junk food in your house is a disaster waiting to happen. It's like saying... you can see me, but you can't have me! Ya know? I know...I'm a previous binger. Can I offer some advice?
    Take it ALL out of your house. Now listen... I AGREE to a degree that clean eating is a recipe for binging. I agree with you. However... I have found that taking it all out of the house is what I needed to keep myself from going insane at night. (it always happened at night with me) SO... I say... definitely treat yourself to something you really love and just can't do without. You know... a twix? Or maybe its just chips? Point is... get yourself a candy bar or a SMALL bag of chips when you go to the store again, or when you go get gas for your car..... just don't buy in BULK. Don't buy a HUGE bag of chips... buy the snack size, and btw...WAIT til you get home to open them and eat them. I say that... because then you won't be tempted to run back into the store and buy MORE!!! AND.... seriously... this does work...((at least for me)) AFTER you have eaten that candy bar, or chips... WAIT 15 minutes before you get your butt back in the car to get more, or go rummaging through your cupboards to find a crumb. Your stomach is slow sending those signals to your brain that you don't need anymore... so wait it out.

    And to the person that did that 28 challenge and didn't binge and fall off the wagon??? YOU are my hero.... KUDOS! ((I could seriously at the time of my binging days given up completely my trigger foods.))
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    Man.. did I make any sense?

    I MEANT to eat in moderation the things you love. BUT... I would not keep the things that *trigger* your binge eating in the HOUSE. Make yourself GO OUT and get it if you want it, and make it a snack size.

    Did that make more sense? lol.
  • Xoe4
    Xoe4 Posts: 38 Member
    I have the same problem! So I've decided that rather than reward myself when I hit weight milestones, I'll reward myself for periods without binging. The lack of binging will bring me the weight loss and a nice pair of shoes to boot!
  • WeightWatcherCindy
    One thing that always helps me is to remember I didn't get obese from one days eating and I won't get to a healthy weight with one day of clean eating . Really let that sink in .
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have the same problem! So I've decided that rather than reward myself when I hit weight milestones, I'll reward myself for periods without binging. The lack of binging will bring me the weight loss and a nice pair of shoes to boot!

    I LOVE this idea, thank you! I will definitely do this instead. I set many small rewards for each pound lost, then would get impatient if the scale's not moving.. which makes me upset then I would binge, which of course sends the scale number even HIGHER. Thanks again for this suggestion I think this might work for me!!
  • FitnessBellaBarbie
    You are not alone
  • little_waa_
    Omg i do the same thing!
    I did the "28 day challenge" where you give up junk food COMPLETELY for about a month. It was GREAT for me because it gave me motivation because i told myself "youll get to eat it all after you finish these 28 days." but then when that time rolled around i didnt wanna eat anything bad and i ended up losing about 25 pounds :)

    Forcing yourself to only eat "clean foods" is a recipe for bingeing. If you ever eat one bite of what you think is "junk food" you will immediately go off the wagon and binge. Eat whatever you want, just track the calories and don't deprive yourself of foods you like in moderation...

    I agree to a point ^^^
    To keep junk food in your house is a disaster waiting to happen. It's like saying... you can see me, but you can't have me! Ya know? I know...I'm a previous binger. Can I offer some advice?
    Take it ALL out of your house. Now listen... I AGREE to a degree that clean eating is a recipe for binging. I agree with you. However... I have found that taking it all out of the house is what I needed to keep myself from going insane at night. (it always happened at night with me) SO... I say... definitely treat yourself to something you really love and just can't do without. You know... a twix? Or maybe its just chips? Point is... get yourself a candy bar or a SMALL bag of chips when you go to the store again, or when you go get gas for your car..... just don't buy in BULK. Don't buy a HUGE bag of chips... buy the snack size, and btw...WAIT til you get home to open them and eat them. I say that... because then you won't be tempted to run back into the store and buy MORE!!! AND.... seriously... this does work...((at least for me)) AFTER you have eaten that candy bar, or chips... WAIT 15 minutes before you get your butt back in the car to get more, or go rummaging through your cupboards to find a crumb. Your stomach is slow sending those signals to your brain that you don't need anymore... so wait it out.

    And to the person that did that 28 challenge and didn't binge and fall off the wagon??? YOU are my hero.... KUDOS! ((I could seriously at the time of my binging days given up completely my trigger foods.))

    ^This^ is great advice! I gained a lot of weight back by binge eating, going to bear all this in mind :)