Sort of new ;)

tradle Posts: 38 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone,

I'm not really new here but I've not been here long. I never really introduced myself though and so thought it was about time.

I have just turned 51 and I am on a crusade to get healthy and look as good as I can for the rest of my life.

First leg was to give up smoking. I smoked for years and gave up a few times but it never lasted. I vowed I wouldn't smoke after I turned 50. I gave up 4 months before my 50th birthday and I know I will never smoke again. I'm proud about that and I feel a lot better for it. So first leg ...tick....success.

Second lose 25kg (55lbs). I'm on my way and have lost 5 kgs (11lbs) so far. I'm feeling good and feel I can do this even though I've tried countless times before. I never had access to a community and the tools that are available on MFP before though.

I hope I make it. I want to feel 'normal'. I want to shop for clothes in the 'normal' section instead of the plus sized section. Why the heck do they think that if you are big you are happy to wear frumpy ugly clothes?? :sad: I wonder.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and thanks to all those who have already made me feel really welcome.

Trace :smile:


  • Adusenka
    Adusenka Posts: 108 Member
    Hey :)
    Its truly impressive for you to stop smoking like that, amazing!
    And congratulations on your weightloss so far, youll get there for sure!

    Stay strong :)
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Well done on stopping smoking, that's an achievement in itself but then to go for the flab......well I think you should treat yourself tonight - stuffed butternut pumpkin squash thingy mi bob should do it..
  • memphis7979
    memphis7979 Posts: 11 Member
    I had quit smoking too - been about a year. Now comes some weight loss. Good luck in your goals. I think adding a few friends, and having them cheering and having people watch your progress helps. I didn't do that when I tried the first time, and didn't progress very well, and got discouraged. You can add me if you want to... Anyway good luck - you can do it!
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone. The butternut pumpkin dish was delish...thingy bob did a good job LOL

    I agree with needing friends and encouragement. I'm just now trying to get more involved and already it's making a difference. I'm feeling pretty good about my calorie intake...just got to get up off my butt a bit more and do some more exercise *groan*.

    Congrats memphis9697 on giving up smoking as well...what a drag that was huh...pardon the pun lol. Have you noticed a difference when you exercise especially?

    Thanks again all.

    Trace :smile:
  • Hello nice to meet you. Congrats on quitting smoking. I quit smoking over 7 1/2 years ago. So I know if I can quit smoking and not go back than I can lose this weight once for all too. I started on here yesterday. So far I love it. I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else.

  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks Tracy, nice to meet you too :)
  • Congrats Trace! I too quit smoking 3 years ago this past June. Since that time I gained almost 60 pounds. 20 down and 40 to go. This program works and the inspiration from others is awesome motivation. I wish you the best as you work on a healthy lifestyle. I recently heard this saying which I now have pinned to the wall in my closet - "Nothing Tastes as Good as Slim Feels" - I love wearing the older clothes I thought I'd never wear again. Keep up the good work :bigsmile:
  • BiancaK
    BiancaK Posts: 10
    Congratulations on kicking the habit. I have never been a smoker, but I can imagine that it was a challenge and now quite an achievement for you! Congrats also on the pounds down. Being in the "50-ish" club, I too am ready to drop this weight like it's hot and go shopping for clothes that don't have hugh flowers or sequins on them (what's up with that?). I been eating healthier and walking 60 minutes every other day, but I haven't moved a pound. Been at it for three weeks, but determined not to give up. Good luck on your personal adventure...if you quit smoking, you will also achieve the weight challenge.
  • pamazado
    pamazado Posts: 13 Member
    Quitting smoking is probably the single best thing you could do for your overall health. Weight loss is a close second..Congratulations! It is nice to have support.

    I also found that the clothes aren't just frumpy but built only for short people as well!
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you everyone. Wow, this is a really nice community full of really warm freindly people. Just what you need when facing such challenges. I hope we can all help each other and I hope that each and every one of us reaches our goal. We all deserve to.

    Thanks again for your welcome and support.

    Trace :smile:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Welcome aboard! Good job on the smoking! Not sure if the smoking or the losing weight is harder. You seem to have the determination to see it through! Good Luck!
  • jacgray
    jacgray Posts: 34
    Hi, I am new too and this is my first post. I am 58 years old and I want to loseweight for pretty much the same reasons as you. Sick of shopping in the big sections with the frumpy clothes, and want to be fit and healthy to play with my four grandchildren.
    I lost 21lbs last year but have put almost 14lb back on again, so now I am aiming for 3 stone (42lb) and am a lot more determined. I will be slim and healthy before I am 60. This is my first week and I feel that tracking every bit of food and excercise certainly makes me realise just what I am eating.
    Good luck. I'll look out for your posts.
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone. :)

    MzBug, I sure hope I can stay determined, I feel pretty good right now anyway.

    Jacgray, sounds like we are alike, I've lost weight many times in the past only to turn around and put it back on again. I always did it on a diet though. I'm not considering this a diet, rather a lifestyle change. I'm optomistic that it will be different this time. I want to be in shape before I get any grandkids (lucky you to have 4).

  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    A big pat on the back for quitting smoking-a huge accomplishment:drinker: I would also like to shop for stylish clothes, why are the plus size ones always so ugly? I am almost in the normal department-just got rid of my 2X and 3X's:bigsmile:
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    That's awesome. :happy: WTG. Can't wait to hit those shops.

    Trace :smile:
  • so many Tracy/Trace/Traceys here....I think we should start a 'Tracy club''

    Good luck on your weight loss....Tracy :laugh:
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    LOL sign me up, I'll be in the Trace/Tracy/Tracey club :laugh:

    Good luck to you too. Are you an Aussie? I see you are using kgs too.

    Trace :smile:
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