Help. Need advice.

babydaisy83 Posts: 29 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
It's recommended that I eat 1220 calories a day. I'm eating breakfast lunch and dinner. The problem is that I'm not reaching the calories set for me. I'm not starving. Actually feel full during n after meals with some hunger pains during the late nights.

I keep reading that anything under 1200 is starving yourself but I'm truly not dying of hunger lol. I tried eating 1220 and totally felt full to the max n like I was over eating. HELP. I want to lose weight and keep it off all healthy.

Plus everytime I enter excersise it automatically increases calories left.

What am doing wrong? I'm eating waay healthy lots of water and veggies and lean proteins.

Loving my life trying to live it right all the while serving Christ.


  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Have you added some snacks in. Its hard if your not hungry but maybe add in some smoothies with breakfast or lunch. You can put lots of things in a smoothie and not feel like your overeating quite as much.

    Hope that helps.
  • micky7890
    micky7890 Posts: 11 Member
    Try to have some snacks. To aid my calorie intake in a healthy way I add avocado to my meals. I also have smoothies with frozen berries and fat free greek yougurt (has a lot more protein than the regular). Good luck!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Oh my gosh, let me just say..... I'm going to try to be polite in my comment to you......! But seriously, I can't believe you feel "overly" full when you're only eating 1220 calories a day. Not that you're lying or anything, but..... jeez!!!!! It is SO easy to up your calorie intake by a couple hundred. SO easy. I have to watch myself like a HAWK not to cross over the line between my goal and too much..... Have a few jolly ranchers or put some butter on your toast! My goodness. I wish I was struggling with how on earth I was going to stuff another few calories into my gob. Good for you for finding it difficult.
  • ysaidpie
    ysaidpie Posts: 83
    I noticed that I didn't really feel hungry until I started eating all of my 1200 calories, plus those added back from exercise. Even though I wasn't hungry, I'd eat all my calories- even a tablespoon of peanut butter on some nights just because it's high in calories and has protein and I needed to meet my calories. After faithfully doing this (even though I was scared I'd gain weight eating the whole 1200), I have been losing weight and I actually feel hungry. I eat every 2-3hrs (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack). My husband says all I do is eat, lol! This is because my metabolism is finally speeding up, using my food as fuel ad not holding onto it in fear that I will not eat an fuel it again. I have a lot more energy too. So I suggest eating atleast your 1200 calories (plus those burned in exercise). Pick up some almonds or peanut butter if you have to just for the high calorie content! After a few weeks I bet you will be feeling like you are starving until you do eat your 1200 calories and you'll probably be down a few pounds to. Good luck!
  • babydaisy83
    babydaisy83 Posts: 29 Member
    Oh my gosh, let me just say..... I'm going to try to be polite in my comment to you......! But seriously, I can't believe you feel "overly" full when you're only eating 1220 calories a day. Not that you're lying or anything, but..... jeez!!!!! It is SO easy to up your calorie intake by a couple hundred. SO easy. I have to watch myself like a HAWK not to cross over the line between my goal and too much..... Have a few jolly ranchers or put some butter on your toast! My goodness. I wish I was struggling with how on earth I was going to stuff another few calories into my gob. Good for you for finding it difficult.
  • NazAnt
    NazAnt Posts: 2
    I was having that problem, but I increased my water intake and know I am full all the time. I do not have hunger pains as I did. I am drinking on average 10- 12 glasses a water a day.
  • babydaisy83
    babydaisy83 Posts: 29 Member
    Totally noooo need to be nasty or negative. Your reply wasn't needed could have kept it ALL to yourself. I thought this was a place to get help n support. When I'm hungry I eat period and I'm not starving. Everyones different sweety. Maybe ur "hawking" ur calorie intake has made u a bit bitter.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Totally noooo need to be nasty or negative. Your reply wasn't needed could have kept it ALL to yourself. I thought this was a place to get help n support. When I'm hungry I eat period and I'm not starving. Everyones different sweety. Maybe ur "hawking" ur calorie intake has made u a bit bitter.

    Sorry! Apologize!! I was not trying to be nasty or bitter. I'm honestly amazed that you can feel full on those calories, and I think the overall message I was going for was jealousy of your situation. I know you don't feel great about it because you're trying to make it work for you, so why on earth should I be jealous, but seriously, it's great that you don't feel hungry throughout the day.
  • babydaisy83
    babydaisy83 Posts: 29 Member
    Totally noooo need to be nasty or negative. Your reply wasn't needed could have kept it ALL to yourself. I thought this was a place to get help n support. When I'm hungry I eat period and I'm not starving. Everyones different sweety. Maybe ur "hawking" ur calorie intake has made u a bit bitter.

    Sorry! Apologize!! I was not trying to be nasty or bitter. I'm honestly amazed that you can feel full on those calories, and I think the overall message I was going for was jealousy of your situation. I know you don't feel great about it because you're trying to make it work for you, so why on earth should I be jealous, but seriously, it's great that you don't feel hungry throughout the day.

    no worries thank u. Were all here for the same thing kicking fats behind. Lol. I'm no skinny minny 195lbs. I want to be healthy as possible so I'll chew my way to 1220 calories a day lmbo. Have an awesome week!
  • avgulik
    avgulik Posts: 14 Member
    I don't believe Carrie was trying to be negative at all. I often see people saying they can't eat all their calories, I can't imagine because like Carrie I have to watch myself so carefully too. It doesn't take alot of food to go over your 1200 calorie limit, even if you are eating healthy!

    I've managed to stay under everyday for over a month except today, but then I sometimes add in a glass of wine during dinner.

    For those who are able to barely eat your calories, can you give me a daily 'sample meals, snacks, beverages and water' on what you eat as a guideline? I would love to know what you are doing!! Thanks in advance.
  • babydaisy83
    babydaisy83 Posts: 29 Member
    For breakfast I'll have three egg whites, lean turkey, cheese, 2 tablespoons of salsa rolled in a whole wheat tortilla with a huge glass of water.

    Lunch healthy choice cafe steamer huge glass of water mixed with diet snapple drink mix

    dinner 1 cup white rice 1 grilled chicken cutlet salad w/ cucumbers olives corn and tomatoes.

    And I'll have a dannon light n fit yogurt if I need a snack.

    See I'm eating :)
  • avgulik
    avgulik Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for posting your meal plan babydaisy...... I guess where I go 'wrong' is needing a tablespoon of salad dressing(70 calories) to go on my salad as well as a glass of wine(129 calories) with my meal. (or having some cream in my morning coffee) However, I often plan ahead during the day if I know I may want a glass of wine with my meal, that I have to 'earn it' by working out on the elliptical that day or taking a cardio class and burning some energy.

    My meal plans are very sensible too, it's just the 'extra's' that add up really quickly. :happy:
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    It's recommended that I eat 1220 calories a day. I'm eating breakfast lunch and dinner. The problem is that I'm not reaching the calories set for me. I'm not starving. Actually feel full during n after meals with some hunger pains during the late nights.

    I had the same situation in the beginning. I just seemed to always leave calories behind, but I was losing weight, so I thought no big deal. Then I stalled for 6 weeks not a lbs. Upped my calories and eat almost all my exercise and I finally started losing again. I've found it really important to eat all my calories or I stop losing.

    add nuts, dried fruit, or granola to your yogurt -1/4 cup of nuts is about 200 calories.
    add 1/4 Avocado, 1/4c garbonzo beans, and 2 tbls. of raisins to the fab salad - this will add 202 calories to the salad

    not much more food but 400 more calories.
  • NazAnt
    NazAnt Posts: 2
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    I have to say this, and I hope this is taken in the spirit it is meant. I do not mean to be 'nasty.' However I do mean to shed some truth on this. I assume that every person on this site is losing weight...and by that we have all taken in more than our share of 1200+ calories a day on a daily, monthly and yearly basis to get us where we are at now. :laugh: Another point to be made is that we have all deluded ourselves in some way or other to the volume we consumed to lead us to this site to try to regulate a healthier lifestyle. So my first point is....we all got here some variation of the same way, and it wasn't by eating 800 calories a day. :noway:

    I find this site for the most part is encouraging and the people are truly working their butts off to lose weight and encourage each other in their efforts. I also find some of the same 'denial' and 'excuses' (hey, we have all done it) that got us here in the first place right here on these message boards.

    What I would like to hear from a post like this is not, "How on earth could I possibly eat 1200 calories in a day...come on - every single one of us know how...what I would rather hear is "How can I make those 1200 calories nourish me, or what do you do to make those 1200 calories count?" I am sorry, but to say, when you have obviously exceeded 1200 calories for an extended period of time to get where you are at now (as did every one of us...), that you don't know how to eat more just rings untrue.

    I don't think anyone means disrespect, but after reading a few of these I have to say...sounds like a bit of leftover denial...which all of us are trying to fight in ourselves to move forward. So, I hope you work through it because it will seriously hinder your progress. And if I can speak for everyone here, and I think I can. We all wish you the best and success...and a much richer life than you have previously lived as a result of not looking at it full in the face. I speak this to myself first and foremost...and if you get any value from it, I am truly glad.
  • KerryB1977
    KerryB1977 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this journey too and know what your going through with the hunger pains in the evening. I personally save my snacks for before bedtime to help prevent them. About two hours before I got to bed I usually have a healthy sandwich on 100% whole wheat/grain bread and/or some veggies and juice, and try to keep the calorie count below 350. Hope this helps and good luck on your journey.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I recently added almonds to my snacks. I to feel fool before my calories. Its also hard to balance the right amount of everything. You really should try to eat a few more snacks. I might add don't go for empty calories. Don't start to add all the wrong fat so you add up to your calories. Proteins and fruits are good. Not Butter and candy. You didn't say how short on calories you were. A few are okay while a few hundred maybe not so much. I also like pure protein bars. If I really can't eat a meal I eat one of those. they are good and filling and add the calories and not in a bad way. Just try Not To load up on the bad stuff. It will NOT help your journey. Good Luck
  • Those first begining posts that are tagged or whatever it is called to stay at the top have some pretty good info.
    Here is one of them about eating 700 cals but cant lose weight. I hope you may find it helpful. My mom is in the same boat. I'm the over eater though lol.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I have trouble eating 1200 calories as well ... I eat LOTS of fruits and vegetables mainly so it doesn't add up to many calories and you can look at my food diary and most days after working out I've only technically ate 300-700 calories. I'm the type of person that gets full on a little bit of food .. I don't sit around pigging out and getting 3-4 extra helpings. My problem was I got on a depo provera B.C. shot and it caused me ALOT of weight gain. So I think some of you need to quit assuming the only way to get fat is by eating 24/7 because it isn't. There are plenty of medicines that can bring on weight gain. Not to mention, my job requires 12-16 hours of sitting on my butt and I have sleep issues so I don't sleep often which can cause weight gain. We you put depo B.C. shots + long periods of sitting + not much sleep, in the end you result in FAT. It's called SEDENTARY lifestyle.

    Anyways, off my soapbox ... When I'm low on calories, I resort to kashi go lean chewy bars, slimfast drinks, silk chocolate soy milk, lean meats, and/or quaker oatmeal square cereal. That usually gives me a boost of calories without feeling sick. I've tried my absolute hardest to eat at least 1200 and i've managed to do it once or twice so far.
  • I have run into the same problem on days I'm too busy to eat snacks, and get a work out in. On the days I eat 2 snacks a day, I usually squeak by or go a little over. Snacks I like: Handful of almonds, and apple & veggies; Protein shake with frozen fruit., Cheese stick and some grapes and/or veggies. Hope that helps. Keep up the good work!
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