Newbie over 40

I am new to this site. I am a single parent over 40. I need to loose over 40 lbs as well. I am looking for support and share ideas. Thanks in advance.:smile:


  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    I am 43, started out needing to lose 40 lbs...and I am down 6 lbs in 4 weeks :happy: You can do this! One day at a time...and make changes that make your life better :bigsmile:
  • Fiona711
    Fiona711 Posts: 17
    I'm 40 too, and I had about 35 pounds to lose; now I have 20. I got an accidental "jump start" last month when I injured my back and was too hurt to trudge off to the food cabinet (or a drive-thru) every couple of hours. Plus, my spouse had to do the grocery shopping, so no junk food came in! The calorie tracker has been a real eye opener, and once you lose a couple of pounds and get to know how much food you should truly be eating, you have to commit to the lifestyle change so the weight will stay off. Good luck! :-)
  • KRRussell
    I'm 40 as well and need to shed a few pounds!! Feel free to add me as a friend!! Good luck!!
  • val3xmom
    I am also 40! I need to lose 20 pounds. I have just begun with my "lifestyle change!" I just joined a biggest loser contest and am trying to at least 10 -15pounds in the next 8 weeks. I used to be very fit and able to eat anything I wanted with no worries. Getting older has taken a real toll! It's so much harder, now!! Good luck!
  • ned2lswt
    ned2lswt Posts: 5 Member
    thank you Dawn_2010--- I am also taking small steps. One day at a time.
    Hi Fiona711-- I also found the calorie tracker to be an eye opener. I am underestimating the calories in the foods I eat. This site makes me accountable for my daily intake and output.
    Hi KRRussell--I sent you a request as a friend
    Hi val3xmom--good luck with the challenge. I am sure you can do it.
    It is amazing howmuch our body changes with each decade.
    take care all of you