PLEASE HELP????!!!!!!

Hey! I have been on this journey for 6 1/2 months and have lost 52.8 lbs but I am really struggling to eat enough food; like I barely get 1200 calories on a good day! I have had numerous lies from doctors and trainer telling me to just eat lean chicken, green veggies and protein shakes (whey powder and almond milk) however I am realizing 1200 calories is not enough and to be honest I am hungry all the time and still got 110 pounds to lose; what could I add for meals or what calorie goal should I aim for?? I exercise a lot but with a new job starting Tuesday that will descrease from 4 hours to 1 hour roughly; any advice would be appericated!


  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Have you thought about using TDEE -% method instead? You eat one set amount of calories because your 'exercise' will already be factored in. You won't have to worry about 'eating' back exercise calories because with TDEE you DON'T eat them back.

    Another question:
    Do you wear a HRM when you exercise? MFP GROSSLY OVER-ESTIMATES their calorie counts, IMO. You might not be burning as much as you think, possibly over-eating calories without intending to.

    Personally, I think you're logging too many things as 'exercise'. I don't say this to be rude, but daily things like food prep or shopping are typical basic activities.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Sorry, but I am a bit confused.
    How can you be struggling to eat enough food if you are hungry all the time?
    Wouldn't the logical solution be to eat more food when you are hungry?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Sorry, but I am a bit confused.
    How can you be struggling to eat enough food if you are hungry all the time?
    Wouldn't the logical solution be to eat more food when you are hungry?

    Ummmm - this exactly. If you're hungry and under calories then EAT!
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    First of all, congratulations on losing 52.8 lbs. Take a moment and feel good about yourself. That is no easy task.

    I looked through your diary and it looked ok food choice wise. You do seem to be averaging 1400-1500 cal / day, which is probably ok for you right now. Your activity seems to be overcalculating your calorie burn, but that's just an impression.

    To answer your question, maybe you could add a protein shake or a good protein bar to your daily intake? Some people don't get along well with protein shakes, but they provide a quick, easy 120-240 calories. I love Quest protein bars. Very little carbs and 20g protein. Zone perfect bars are a nice 200 cal hit with 12g of sugar.

    Nuts are a nice addition as well. Calorically dense and good protein content. I also like eating two tablespoons of peanut butter for a quick 200 cal adder.

    Adding oils to your diet is a nice addition as well. I am crazy and sometimes just drink 2 tablespoons of olive oil straight up (no ice). That's a good 230 cal real quick but not the most pleasant or filling. People tell me to add it to a salad instead which I think is a good idea.

    If you like guacamole, you can add 2T of that. It's a superfood and has lots of calories.

    All of these suggestions will add calories and should help curb your hunger. If you had 28 almonds and 2T of peanut butter, you would add an easy 400 cal right there. Add a protein bar in there and you have 600 quality calories real quick.

    Keep up the good work. You got this.

  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    If you like guacamole, you can add 2T of that. It's a superfood and has lots of calories.

    who only eats 2 tablespoons of an avocado? :huh:
  • haidos
    haidos Posts: 69
    add nuts or eggs stuff thats not overly carby would be my advice if you want to increase your calories.

    On the other hand if you're looking to add more food without such a calorie boost eat more raw vegetables make sure you're drinking a sufficient amount too.
  • gIrlChip21
    gIrlChip21 Posts: 4 Member
    Good advice! I agree completly. I eat avacado all the time, most of the time by itself. Its a great energy source and you can practically add it to any food (my personal favorite is tuna). I also agree with you comment on the zone bars, I eat these often before I get off work and I want to go work out. Its adds calories, fiber, and if you drink with a full glass of water it can really fill you up. I think you gave some real good advice! :)
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice; I appericate! Yes, when I am hungry I don't know what I could eat; I lived in a zone of no fats, low carbs and tons of protein and veggies for the past 6 1/2 months so now I trying to switch it up because I need the energy. I do protien drinks once and a well; I may bring them back because they were helping hunger:) I do wear an HRM and it says I burn 2600-3000 calories a day (I turn it on first thing in the morning and don't turn it off till bed time) and I drink 2-3 litres of water!!