New and Unsure!!

So i'm not new to dieting. I used to be 14 stone.
i'm now roughly 11 stone i lost the 3 stone with various diets like weight watchers, slimmer world etc.
I'm now starting to enjoy exercise and know that to get good things out of your body you simply HAVE to put good stuff in!!
But i'm stuck in a rut.
My Current Exercise plan is
Tuesday- Zumba
Wednesday- Bootcamp
Thursday- Free Weights
Friday- Spinning
I enjoy exercise and will fit in more when i can

But right now its my diet that holds me back.
When im being "good" my diet consists on:

Breakfast: yogurt, fruit and honey
Lunch: Chicken breast, Sweet potato, Steam veg and a yogurt
Dinner: protein shake and 2 rice crackers with peanut butter
snacks: fruit.

i can keep this up for a few days and i do notice it on the scales, but i'm BORED!!! then when i'm bored i CHEAT!! (EAT being the operative word!!)

i have NO clue how many macros i should be eating to help me loose weight.
i'm 155lbs now and 5ft 4
i want to be

how do i translate these Macros into my diet?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Annie Hughes


  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    I'm not an expert but I found that when I ate more protein and less carbs from bread, pasta etc I started losing consistently. I have my macros at 40% carbs (my body doesn't like it much lower), 30% fat and 30% protein. The fat value coming from healthy fats like avocados. But this is just a suggestion as to whats working for me after lots of little experiments. Can you maybe switch up one of your main meals - do a clean version of something 'unhealthy' for dinner as an example?

    You really have to experiment and find what works for you!
  • Jcole05
    Jcole05 Posts: 21 Member

    One thing that has helped me really vary my diet is looking at people's food diaries here on My Fitness Pal. It gave me lots of good ideas for new snacks and meals so I don't get bored. I'm not sure about the macros and all that. I'm just counting calories (which I know some people would probably say is stupid), but a few of my favorite meals are:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs with whole wheat toast, vanilla yogurt with fruit and granola, cereal with almond milk, strawberry smoothies with coconut milk (so good), or basically any kind of smoothie, whole wheat pancakes

    Lunch - I eat a lot of Lean Cuisines (I know they aren't the best for you, but they fill me up), avocado grilled cheese with whole wheat toast, all kinds of salads with low cal dressing (Southwest Salad from McDonalds and the Strawberry fruit salad at Bread Co. are my favorite salads when we eat out),

    Dinner - grilled chicken, turkey burgers, chicken wings cooked in the NuWave, gyros, pot roasts cooked with carrots & sweet potatoes, pork roasts with apples, onions, sweet potatoes, and carrots, steamed broccoli or cauliflower

    Just some ideas! Hope this helps you, and good luck :)